【這是從manhattan裏面copy出來的題目,考點一樣的】 RIGHT: Her performance is exceeded ONLY by theirs, (modifies by theirs)WRONG: Her performance is ONLY exceeded by theirs, (technically modifies exceeded)
Note: ONLY should be placed just before the words it is meant to modify. In both speech and writing, we often place ONLY before the verb, but this placement is generally wrong, according to the GMAT, since we rarely mean that the verb is the only action ever performed by the subject.
根據manhattan的意思,上面WRONG的句子強調的是her performance唯一地產生了exceed這個動作,這樣是與題目的原意矛盾的。 我覺得不用太糾結它到底要怎麼翻譯,其實當你讀完句子以後,心裡應該對only要強調的側重點有所把握【這裡可以理解為only的作用是用來強調句子中的某些成份的,作者企圖強調什麽內容,only就放在什麽內容之前】。然後就根據only修飾的原則( ONLY should be placed just before the words it is meant to modify. ),把only放在你認為意思上合理的那個成份前面就ok啦。 還有一個小技巧,我自己總結出來的,不過只是經過非常少量的樣本驗證,不知道是否非常非常適用【希望看到的童鞋積極地批判俺的這個idea!!><】 要判斷only的位置,先把句子讀完以後,按照自己的理解把中文翻譯出來,看翻譯的時候把“只有/只是”放在哪些內容的前面。換成英文句子的時候,only就是放在那些內容的前面。 希望幫到你啦^^ -- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/11/23 19:56:18)
I thought most of time "(ONLY should be placed just before the words it is meant to modify. )" is correct.
However , there is exception: the sentence from Prep. 213. (GWD-3-Q34)Shoppers in sporting goods stores, unlike those in department stores, dovery little impulse shopping; someone who comes in for a basketball will leavewith a basketball only and not buy a pair of skis and a boomerang as well. |