Claim: It is no longer possible for asociety to regard any living man or woman as a hero.
Reason: The reputation of anyone who issubjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished.
"Manyother companies have recently stated that having their employees take the EasyRead Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity, One graduate ofthe course was able to read a 500-page report in only two hours; anothergraduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company inunder a year. Obviously, the faster you read, the more information you canabsorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read would cost Acme only $500 peremployee -- a small price when you consider the benefits. Included in this feeis a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the EasyRead newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of ouremployees to take the Easy Read course." Verbal: Reading: 19世纪女作家 美国总统和国会通常是两个相反的政党,这样一方面不利于政策的实施,因为上下不consistent(此处有题),但是另一方面这种权力制衡又是美国最基本的国策。 美国空气污染越来越严重,虽然individual auto的污染排放量已经有大幅减少,但是由于汽车总数提高的太多,使得总空气污染量还是很高。(此处有题,问答案中哪种关系与本句所描述的类似,选择“个体水平下降,但由于这一个群体的总数量增幅太大,导致total 仍然很多”)。随后介绍了新能源的弊端,需要更大的油罐。专门为新能源设计的汽车使用新能源的效率要比普通汽车使用新能源的效率高得多(此处有题)。汽油由于有大分子,碳碳键,导致燃烧时有一系列复杂反应,容易导致污染(此处有题,问为什么汽油容易导致污染) 。 填空: 昆虫是世界上最……的生物,它们本来是不应该能飞起来的。 医生通常会inflation药品的potentialbenefit,进而造成药品的oversell,因为研究新药品需要钱。 某人的什么什么作品令人-----(感觉填敬仰,叹为观止一类的词),就像登山者见到了什么什么山峰一样。 一个预言家不敢夸大了,因为她的夸大被events给___了,我选的是confounded 就记得这些了,祝大家考好~ |