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[作文互改] Issue 63 40分钟,求批改

发表于 2012-11-8 09:59:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
63. There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.


As long time ago, when we human beings were lived with other species of animals and plants with modest ability to change or influence the living environment, the major goal of human is to survive. But since the industrial revolution about four hundred years ago, the power we have to influence to environment and other species of livings have been increasing vastly. Now, it is not unfair to say that the developments of human beings are at cost of the living rights of other animals and plants. Many people believe that people should not make extraordinary efforts to save endangered animal or plant species based on the theory of 'natural selection'. I concede this opinion has its rationality; however, there are other important factors that are ignored by those people.

From a cost point of the view, it plausible that human beings should not invest huge amount of money and human resource to protect the endangered animals and plants for that those resource can be used in other fields to help people. For example, helping the homeless people, increase the chances of employment and improving the living environment in the city. The efforts can help human beings directly and effectively, comparing to the saying that helping other species of animals and plants is to help ourselves in the future. Furthermore, even though with the interference of human beings, some species of animals and plants still can hardly avoid of the fate of extinction because of the law of nature, such as 'survival of the fittest'. So it seems unnecessary for human beings to help those animals and plants.

However, there is another consideration, which is the human being should take responsibilities for what we have done. As we all know, since the industrial revolution, the development of industry, chemistry and petrochemical industry and so on has made large negative influence to the living environment of animals and plants. Our achievement of science and technology is at the cost of the chances of other species' survival. Moreover, this kind of damage to environment has endangered to the survival of ourselves: thousand acres of lands can never be used again because of the pollution of heavy metals; greenhouse effect are more and more serious because we cut down large amount of trees in rainforest around the world. From this point of view, protecting other animals and plants, creating a suitable environment for their survivals and development is also helping us and our descendants.

Last of all, I believe it is morally right that every kind of animals and plants should have the rights of living and development. If we can pursue economical or other interests at the cost of other animals and plants, how can we expect that one day the same fate will not come to ourselves, which means that chasing for interests without considering the rights of other human beings' survivals and development? So, in summary, human beings should not ignore the responsibility to other species of animals and plants just because of the immediate interests. Spending huge resources to protect other species is to help ourselves.

1. 从成本的角度来看,确实不该投入巨额资金和精力来保护濒危动植物,这些资源可以用到其他方面,如增加就业,救助需要帮助的人,改善人类生活环境等等,此外,就算人类干预,按照“适者生存”的原则,有些动物还是会灭绝。

2. 但是,人类应该为自身的行为负责,科技进步改善人们生活的同时,也增强了人们干预和破坏自然环境的能力,致使给许多生物带来栖息地和食物等的威胁,破坏了生态环境;而且这个过程已经在很多方面危害了人类自身的生存。比如说,设立雨林保护地就不仅仅能保护动植物,而且能有效地缓解温室效应和调节气候。此外,对水资源,如湖泊、河流的保护也不仅能造福动植物,更能保证人类现在以及未来自身的用水安全。

3. 各种动植物都有其生存发展的权利,他们的存在直接或间接的早就了人类的繁荣。人类不能因为眼前的利益或局部的成就而忽视对其它生命的敬畏和责任。
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发表于 2012-11-8 10:59:11 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-8 12:25:48 | 只看该作者
ETS 给个题库,大家都练习,最后写的内容都差不多,这也确实无法避免,毕竟大多数人考GRE在AW上面都是只求那个比较好的分而非绝对争取6分。
发表于 2012-11-9 16:29:41 | 只看该作者
As long time ago, when we human beings werelived with other species of animals and plants with modest ability to change orinfluence the living environment, the major goal of human is to survive. Butsince the industrial revolution about four hundred years ago, the power we haveto influence to environment and other species of livings have been increasingvastly. Now, it is not unfair to say that the developments of human beings areat cost of the living rights of other animals and plants. Many people believethat people should not make extraordinary efforts to save endangered animal orplant species based on the theory of 'natural selection'. I concede thisopinion has its rationality; however, there are other important factors thatare ignored by those people.

From a cost point of the viewconsideringthe cost, it isplausible that human beings should not invest huge amount of money and humanresource to protect the endangered animals and plants for that those resourcecan be used in other fields to help people. For example, helping the homelesspeople, increase the chances of employment and improving the living environmentin the city. The efforts can help human beings directly and effectively,comparing to the saying that helping other species of animals and plants is tohelp ourselves in the future. Furthermore, even though with the interference ofhuman beings, some species of animals and plants still can canstillhardly avoid of(of是不必要的吧) thefate of extinction because of the law of nature, such as 'survival of thefittest'. So it seems unnecessary for human beings to help those animals andplants.

However, there is another consideration, which is that thehuman being should take responsibilities for what we have done. As we all know,since the industrial revolution, the development of industry, chemistry andpetrochemical industry and so on has made large negative influence to theliving environment of animals and plants. Our achievement of science andtechnology is at the cost of the chances of other species' survival. Moreover,this kind of damage to environment has endangered to the survival of ourselves:thousand acres of lands can never be used again because of the pollution ofheavy metals; greenhouse effect are more and more serious because we cut downlarge amount of trees in rainforest around the world. From this point of view,protecting other animals and plants, creating a suitable environment for theirsurvivals and development is also helping us and our descendants.

Last of all, I believe it is morally right thatevery kind of animals and plants should have the rights of living anddevelopment. If we can pursue economical or other interests at the cost ofother animals and plants, how can we expect that one day the same fate will notcome to ourselves, which means that chasing for interests without consideringthe rights of other human beings' survivals and development? So, in summary,human beings should not ignore the responsibility to other species of animalsand plants just because of the immediate interests. Spending huge resources toprotect other species is to help ourselves.
PS:内容都差不多,但不代表每个人的推理分析论述是一样的,内容只是基本,能具体地分析论述,再加上比较深刻的认识,和严密的逻辑推理, 分数就可以从2分到6分之间变化了
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