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argument 37 求拍

发表于 2012-11-6 22:09:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
34. (127) The vice president of human resources at Climpson Industries sent the following recommendation to the company's president.
"In an effort to improve our employees' productivity, we should implement electronic monitoring of employees' Internet use from their workstations. Employees who use the Internet from their workstations need to be identified and punished if we are to reduce the number of work hours spent on personal or recreational activities, such as shopping or playing games. By installing software to detect employees' Internet use on company computers, we can prevent employees from wasting time, foster a better work ethic at Climpson, and improve our overall profits."
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
  In the argument, the author concludes that by installing software to detect employees'

Internet use on company computers,the company can prevent them from wasting time ,foster a

better work ethic and improve over-all profits.The argument may seens persuative at first

glance,however,because the conclusion stands upon many assumptions that are unstated or

unwarranted and thus these assumptions makes the argument far less convincing than it stands.
 Frist,the author assumes that employees' use of computers is the mainly cause of the

deduction of the work hours.But because of some evidence missing or ommited,the premise may not

be warranted.For example,the imployees' wasting time at office may mainly concentrate in

telephone and chatting with each other,they rarely use Internet to do recreation things,and

they mostly use it as a tool to do their job,then a software that can identified the employee

that are using computer may not be useful.
Secondly,the author metions that using the software to detect Internet use may foster a better

work ethic.The assuption here is that working ethic is mainly about working efficiency.Still,it

may be not the case.A better work ethic include many other factors other than work efficiency

such as trust between emplotees and company and relationship with colleagues.If a office is

under some kind of monitor,the employees may think that they are not fully trusted by their

company so their passion of work may decline a lot as a result.Though the con circumstance of

wasting time is reduced,employees may become unsatisfied with the company.It will lead to a

worse work ethic at last.
 Then,the author metions that by installing the software,the over-all profits will

improve.However,this is base on the precipitous asspution that the company can afford the cost

to install it and maintain it.To improve over-all profits,to install a software may be not a

optimal chioce.For the condition of the company is not provided,the expendure of installing may

be too high that Climpson can't endure it,not to metion to maintain it.So even if the

productivity of the employees improve a lot,the cost of the software may be an incubus for the

company.Though the sell record of the company may be better than when there's no software.Its

over-all profits may be lower as well due to an increase in the over-all cost.
To sum up,the seemingly logical argument is not so strong after examining.several unwarranted  

assumption are there to vitiate the solidity.If the author can provide more information about

details about the article that support that contention,the recommendation can be much more  

persuaive and convincing.
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发表于 2012-11-6 22:52:59 | 只看该作者
Internet use on company computers, the companycan prevent them from wasting time ,foster a

better work ethic and improve over-all profits.The argument may seem persuasive atfirst

glance, however, because the conclusion standsupon many assumptions that are unstated or

unwarranted and thus these assumptions makes theargument far less convincing than it stands.

First, the authorassumes that employees' use of computers is the mainly cause of the

deduction of the work hours. But because of someevidence missing or omitted, the premisemay  

not bewarranted. For example, the employees’' wasting timeat office may mainly concentrate in

telephone and chatting with each other, theyrarely use Internet to do recreation things, and

they mostly use it as a tool to do their job, thena software that can identified the employee

that are using computer may not be useful.这里还可以质疑的是公司员工的效率是不是必然受到影响了,如果是受影响了,是不是必然由上网所致

Secondly, the author mentionsthat using the software to detect Internet use may foster a better

work ethic. The assumptionhere is that working ethic is mainly about working efficiency. Still, it

may be not the case. A better work ethic includesmany other factors other than work efficiency

such as trust between employeesand company and relationship with colleagues. If a officeis

under some kind of monitor, the employees maythink that they are not fully trusted by their

company so their passion of work may decline a lotas a result. Though the con circumstance of

wasting time is reduced, employees may becomeunsatisfied with the company. It will lead to a

worse work ethic at last.

Then, the author mentionsthat by installing the software, the over-all profits will improve.

However, this is base on the precipitous assumptionthat the company can afford the cost

to install it and maintain it. To improve over-allprofits, to install a software may be not a

optimal choice. Forthe condition of the company is not provided, the expense ofinstalling may

be too high that Climpson can't endure it, not to mentionto maintain it. So even if the

productivity of the employees improve a lot, thecost of the software may be an incubus for the

company. Though the sell record of the company maybe better than when there's no software. Its

over-all profits may be lower as well due to anincrease in the over-all cost.这里其实是谈影响公司盈利的因素,是否员工的效率提高了,盈利就增多,领导的决策,团队合作效率,产品成本市场需求等等都可以谈,

To sum up, the seemingly logical argument isnot so strong after examining. several unwarranted  

assumption are there to vitiate the solidity. Ifthe author can provide more information about

details about the article that support thatcontention, the recommendation can be much more  

persuasiveand convincing.
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