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[作文互改] ISSUE 30 求大神狠拍!

发表于 2012-10-29 09:41:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ISSUE 30 83 Teachers' Salaries Should Be Based On Their Students' Academic Performance

【观点】尽管学生的成绩是考量老师工作的重要指标,但不应该on the basis of their students' academic

【首段】 老师在现代教育中扮演着一个至关重要的角色to.....,尤其是在日益强调知识社会的今天。有的人提出........But I found it problematic in.........
1.提正:academic performance毫无疑问是一个评估老师教学成果的重要指标。它能push一些不认真教书的人,将更多精力投入到教学上
2.反驳1:可行性低。有其他很多因素能够影响到academic performance, 比如有的课本身难度就不一样,让这两门课比较对老师不公平

Teachers play a crucial role in cultivating a decent, competitive and qualified individual in contemporary society, especially with the increasing emphasis on knowledge society. Many people have put forward proposals to promote the performance of teachers. The speaker claims that the salaries of teachers should be determined by the academic performance of their students.But I find it problematic in both overestimating the feasibility and neglecting the potential negative impacts on education.

Admittedly, the academic performance of students is an indispensable criterion of evaluating the capability of a teacher. After all, teaching students what they need to master is the foremost responsibility for every teacher. A teacher, who can not instruct a diligent and intelligent student to comprehensively understand the knowledge and skills that they are obliged to grasp, is not qualified. Nowadays, a multitude of knowledgeable and experienced professors, who are blessed with remarkable achievements in their own academic fields, only volunteer limited time to their obligation in education. Therefore, their students are likely to fail to acquire the required knowledge and techniques because of the teachers' illogical lectures and haphazard notes. Evaluating teachers' salaries on the basis of students' academic performance can prod these teachers into paying more attention to their teaching mission, such as selecting more apropos and comprehensible teaching materials, ameliorate teaching methods, and consequently enhance the quality of their courses.

However, the speaker erroneously estimates the feasibility of this recommendation on the hypothesis that the performance is determined by teachers' endeavors solely. In deed, students' academic performance is attributable to various other factors, such as the difficulty of courses themselves and the distinct admission standards among different schools. For instance, quantum physics is intrinsically more difficult and abstract than the introduction to physics. No matter how much efforts they put into their teaching performance, the academic performance of students is still likely to be comparatively low. It's inappropriate and unfair to decide the salaries of teachers grounded on the students' academic performances in quantum physics and the introduction to physics. From the elucidation above, we can state that academic performance of students is not a valid and universal standard to judge whether the teacher is capable.

Furthermore, the speaker's assertion is liable to produce counterproductive influences on the outcomes of education. An outstanding teacher is required to own not only the capability of teaching, but also to be solicitous for his or her students. But the academic-orientated criterion overrates the significance of academic performance, ignoring other essential qualities. On this condition, the speaker's suggestion is possible to stimulate teachers to apply several extreme and irrational approaches to promote students'; academic performance, such as corporal punishment. Apparently, teachers ,who take theise unreasonable measures, are not supposed to obtain high salary, even if their students' performance is extraordinary. Additionally, the goals of education is to exert full potential of students rather than cultivate students' ability in academic aspects. The evaluating standard might compel teachers to concentrate on academy and take for granded student's other talents , such incredible vocal performance, excellent gift in oil painting,, for granted, which is detrimental to the development of students.

Conclusively, how to estimate teaching performance is relatively complicated issue, which should not be stated slapdash. Academic performance of students is supposed to be taken into consideration, but it is not sufficient to judge whether a teacher is capable. The administration of schools should establish a more comprehensive evaluating standards, which is beneficent to the quality of education and self-fulfillment of students, to decide teachers' salaries.

580 words, 36分钟
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