第二套的第9题,关于mammal intelligence evolution,我怎么找不到对应选项B:What are some of the degrees of attention in large mammals 的部分呢? -- by 会员 swineustc (2012/10/24 14:01:48)
答案: L24 ==> The processes of arousal and concentration give attention its direction. -- by 会员 麻倉枼 (2012/10/24 22:55:17)
谢谢,意思是degree就是到direction这个程度吗? 还是我理解有偏差? -- by 会员 swineustc (2012/10/25 0:20:58)
没,我很单纯找到它们都有"attention"这个词.. 看那问题, "What are some of the degrees", 而这里degrees 是指 The processes of arousal and concentration -- by 会员 麻倉枼 (2012/10/25 0:55:47)
哦,谢谢,这样一说,我好像有点感觉了。。嘿嘿 |