Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended in September, slightly less than they did in the year that ended in the previous quarter.
Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended in September, slightly less than they did in the year that ended in the previous quarter.
(A) less than they did (B) less than it did (C) less than they were (D) lower than (E) lower than they were
这个题LZ可以搜一下前两天的帖子,有NN已经回答过这道题。。。。。 不过要是咱不看可不可以做副词什么之类的问题,单从逻辑含义入手来看,Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended in September, slightly less/lower than they did in the year that ended in the previous quarter. 到底选 less than 还是 lower than,要看修饰谁,主体是谁,本句——“用工成本”今年上升2.8%,这个上升幅度与去年相比,稍“小”了一点。所以应该用 less。也就是说,上升幅度只有大小之分,没有高低之分。类似于我们“中国人口很多”不能说 The population of China is very much. 要说 very large。