Hello. I would say as long as you are admitted, you probably will get 1 year PA. For sure the study and PA will take a lot of time from your family. But it's a time to practice your time management skills. A lot of our classmates have family and kids here and they still manage to deal with all the assignments and team projects quite well not to mention looking for internship and job.
我gmat考了好几次,从710开始下降,是不是还要考一次?还是说拿最高成绩申请就可以?谢谢。 -- by 会员 viennawong (2012/10/31 8:30:05)
对于中国学生来说,高GMAT会有优势但是不是绝对的。要综合考虑下你的工作背景和pre-MBA的academic background。如果这两方面都不错,能很好的在你的essay体现出来,我个人觉得710申请是足够了。 -- by 会员 UWMadison (2012/11/1 7:20:00)
你好,我在Milwaukee, 老公是UWM part-time MBA。我打算申请13年秋的supply Chain方向。请问下中国人拿奖学金可能性大吗?毕业生的就业率如何。还有,学习强度大不大(因为我还要带孩子)? -- by 会员 mengnan006 (2012/12/28 5:11:20)