The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970’s. (A) extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than
(B) extinction; its numbers are now five times more than
(C) extinction, their numbers now fivefold what they were
(D) extinction, now with fivefold the numbers they had
(E) extinction, now with numbers five times greater than
看了论坛的帖子,说的是with的用法,可是这题我没办法解释。因为OG答案解释D是说:The comma introdouces a confusing phrase seeming to modify extinction.如果按照帖子所说,那with应该修饰宾语brush。为什么会说修饰extinction......求赐教

附加题:OG 73. The British Admiralty and the War Office met in March 1892 to consider a possible Russian attempt to seize Constantinople and how they would have to act militarily to deal with them. (A) how they would have to act militarily to deal with
(B) how to deal with them if military action would be necessary if
(C) what would be necessary militarily for dealing with such an event
(D) what military action would be necessary in order to deal with such an event
(E) the necessity of what kind of military action in order to take for dealing with it wordy,
对于B OG解释是it 无指代,是因为one的关系么?如果是这样的话,那为什么D和E也会说无指代呢?不是完全可以指出是condition么?求帮助,好困扰我啊!!!
The computer company's present troubles are a result of technological stagnation, markteing missteps, and mangerial blunders so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to coorect it.
A so that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to coorect it.
B so that several attempt at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct
C in that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them
D that several attempts to revise corporate strategies have failed to correct
E that several attempts at revising corporate strategies have failed to correct them
这里如果A和B 的that去掉对么?
LZ去掉that能说明什么呢???就根本不成句子了啊。。。so several attempts to????LZ是想说明什么呢。。。。。
85.According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation's four-year colleges and universities.
A.equivalent to the enrollment ofB.the equivalent of those enrolled in
C.equal to those who are enrolled in many as the enrollment of many as are enrolled in
E选项是省略了those who么?这种省略我遇到过好多次,感觉没有找到规律。谁能告诉我基本规律呢?
113.In AD 391,
resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandriea, later generations lost all but the IIiad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.
B.the destroying of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandriea resulted and
C.because of the result of the destruction of the library
at Alexandriea,the largest of ancient a result of the destruction of the library
at Alexandriea, the largest of the ancient world,E.Alexandriea's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the result was
答案是D,但是我认为C和D都有指代不明的地,像红色标记的地方,the largest 是修饰library的,但是跟在Alex后面不就是修饰Alex么,求各位赐教。
-- by 会员 ivansmile33 (2012/9/26 0:59:29)