貌似只有中国学生才会到处找开水喝。反正至少对于我来说是的。我是在美国餐馆都会很不应景地在一桌子icy juice面前对waiter说,can I have some hot water? 而且总是会把别人搞得丈二和尚摸不着头脑,估摸着在我之前,他们都没有碰到过有人只要纯开水,not tea, not coffee, just boiling water.而且他们也很难想象我竟然能喝下去hot water,而不是warm water. 好吧,就这个事实,我国际友人们在跟我接触了N久之后,终于开始接受我这个只喝hot water和black coffee的人。这么多年以来养成的习惯,哪是说改就能改掉的嘛。
但是我想在这里说的,或许用我写的另外一篇文中的话来表达,会更好点,Travellingis a process during which your destination city or place transforms from apurely intellectual concept in your mind into that unique one, which distinguishesitself out of tons of literary images by your impressive, local, down-to-earthfeeling about it. It becomes special now.