楼主姐姐你在不在啊在不在? 明天就要截止了嘤嘤嘤,我今晚要把文书写出来。 可否给我一些hints? Please discuss both your short-term and long-term professional goals.   lease describe what challenges you may face as well as how your previous experiences will help contribute to your future success. Your answer should highlight why you have decided to pursue a graduate degree at this point in your career and how you feel a Northeastern degree will help you achieve success. (800 words maximum) Challenges you may face要怎么写嘛? 楼主姐姐快回复呀快回复>.< 我是应届生,2+2 国内是211,3.84GPA,G720。 只有一个中行实习,美国RA的兼职。 我要申请MSF还是双学位? (我想申请双学位啊,可是我的北京会不会不够好?我看avg work experience 三年半啊。。。) 谢谢! -- by 会员 放耳朵去流浪 (2013/2/1 5:19:21)
啊。。实在抱歉,之前实在学习太忙了,真心没时间上CD。。。对不起哦。。。但是你的条件属于非常厉害的那种。。随便申请应该都能申请上。。呵呵。。加油!! |