挖个坟。 刷第三遍的时候才彻底搞懂V-ING的用法。 个人觉得这里不能改EARNING,因为V-ING的用法是: 1)修饰主语和谓语 & 2)SIMULTANEOUS/IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE。 前一部分:HELD 17 RECORDS可以看出 2)说不通。 -- by 会员 wxtttt (2012/10/3 18:44:54)
just satisfy one of them is ok ( the first would have been better by changing in this way : providing extra information for the preceding clause)
OG12 #30: For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears. if the sentence should satisfy the two requirement you have written, then it should not be correct.. open to discussion -- by 会员 DUKB24 (2012/10/3 19:40:10)
the"comma + ing" modifier should only be used when:
(A) itMODIFIES THE ENTIRE ACTION of the preceding clause, and it APPLIES TO THESUBJECT of that clause;
(B) oneof the following is true: (1)the "ing" action is SIMULTANEOUS with, and SUBORDINATE to, the mainaction; -i ran down the sidewalk, flapping my arms wildly (2)the "ing" action is a DIRECTAND IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCE of the mainaction. -i got a 100 on the most recent exam, bringing my average up to 91
sinceCOMMA + -ING clauses are automatically attributed to the SUBJECT of thepreceding clause, this modifies the moon. asit clearly should, in context.
alsonote that it applies not only to that subject, but to the entire action of thatclause (this is what makes it "adverbial").
two problems with that choice:
1) when you use a COMMA -ING modifier after a clause**, you should actuallysatisfy TWO requirements: -- the modifier should modify theaction of the preceding clause, as you have stated; AND -- the subject of the preceding clause should alsomake sense as the agent of the-ING action.
examples: Joe broke the window, angering his father. -->this sentence makes sense,because it correctly implies that Joe "angeredhis father". thewindow was broken byJoe, angering his father.-->this sentence doesn't make sense, because it implies that the window(i.e., notJoe himself) angered Joe's father.
my brothertricked me, disappointing Dad -->implies that dad is disappointed in my brother for tricking me (and notnecessarily disappointed in me for being tricked). I was trickedby my brother, disappointing Dad -->implies that dad is disappointed in me because i fell for my brother's trick(and not that he's disappointed in my brother for tricking me).