not sure can help you or not, some comment from oversea website. To my honest, I also have no idea about since, after, etc. It has to be "since". Once we accept that Robert Boyle is important enough to warrant an era named after him, it is pretty clear from the sentence that the author is including the chemistry from that era in the analysis. "since" is the only one of these words that does this..。。。。I think the implication is that Robert Boyle's work and discoveries were so significant that there was an era associated with his work that is known and obvious. -- by 会员 abjure (2012/9/4 19:08:30)
能理解以他的名字命名的时代,“it is pretty clear from the sentence that the author is including the chemistry from that era in the analysis.”这句没懂。。。。。。。。。看了楼下的解释,从意义和词性上来看,这些词都是介词并且都是在。。。之后,和名词一起构成介宾结构,表示在RB这个时代之后,那么也就没有问题了哈。就是from。。。。forward怪怪的。。。。 |