先是OG 13的28题: 24. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism’s trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it.
(A) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it (B) trying that it metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant (C) attempt to try to metabolize, or render harmless, such a chemical irritant (D) attempt to try and metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritating it (E) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant 这道题的正确答案是E 但是OG对A选项和D选项的解释是:While chemical that is irritating it and chemical irritating it are both grammatically correct and could be appropriate in some usages. 也就是说it这里可以指代organism。然而曼哈顿语法上说的代词一般不指代所有格~~就打算可以指代也应该指代的是attempt 啊? 还有一道题与之对应OG13 上的74题: Despiteits covering the entire planet. Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, rather it is fragmented into mobile semirigid plates. (A) Despite its covering the entire planet, Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, rather it is (B) Despite the fact that it covers the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor is it stationary, but is (C) Despite covering the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor is it stationary, but rather (D) Although it covers the entire planet, Earth's crust is neither seamless nor stationary, but rather (E) Although covering the entire planet, Earth has a crust that is not seamless or stationary, but
这道题的正确选项是D, 这里的It 指代的是也是一个所有格earth's crust 我看到这里完全凌乱了啊~~~~到底代词能不能指代所有格啊?还有就算能指代这两道题所指代的中心词都不一样啊,一个是organism's attempt 的organism 一个是earth's crust 的crust ~~~哪位NN能解释下啊~~~~~谢谢!!!! -- by 会员 shiea2011 (2012/8/25 21:43:44)
OG12 24的指代很恶心,的确只能指代organism,你不用纠结。正确答案都把it给去掉了
it指代crust没问题。crust不是所有格好么 。。 earth's 才是所有格,manhattan的意思上这题的earth才是poor antecedent
you should use the common sense to determine which is the logical antecedent
如果存在两个或以上的logical antecedent,那就要明确补出指代名词..
Mike‘s wife 这里Mike’s 就是一个所有格,它是adjective的成分,来修饰wife,如果句中出现his,Mike是一个poor antecedent(according to manhattan)句中出现she,就可以指代到wife,是一个good and clear antecedent(前提不出现其他合理的女性人物) |