放在句末protecting表示的是一个purpose(items-----whose purpose is protecting) 如果protecting放在句首就是(because of protecting-----were essential,就像baby姐之前给出的stacey的例子一样)
I agree with your analysis, but with one different point, as per OG's explanation.
这种宏观的问题谁敢回答 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/20.gif) I’ve noticed that your post has been deleted by Ron... ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/40.gif) why not create a similar sentence yourself, and ask again but focus on the general question above? Good luck... -- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2012/8/31 18:37:33)
我知道已经杯具了,不过在这题的层面上来说,的确是可以filp的 |