Commissioner: I have been incorrectly criticized for having made my decision on the power plant issue prematurely. I based my decision on the report prepared by the neighborhood association and although I have not studied it thoroughly, I am sure that the information it contains is accurate. Moreover, you may recall that when I received input from the neighborhood association on jail relocation, I agreed with its recommendation.
The commissioner's argument is LEAST vulnerable to which one of the following criticism?
(A) It takes for granted that the association's information is not distorted by bias. (B) It draws a conclusion about the recommendations of the association from incomplete recollections. (C) It takes for granted that the association's report is the only direct evidence that needed to be considered. (D) It hastily concludes that the association's report is accurate without having studied it in detail. (E) It takes for granted that agreeing with the association's past recommendation helps justify agreeing with its current recommendation.
Right. B is the answer : ) D and E could be eliminated immediately. A and C are assumptions needed for the conclusion to be appropriately drawn. Still I think this question takes some time to figure the right answer out since the quesiton type is not too familiar.