首先謝謝你的回覆. 想多問下 sloan executive program. 我見到佢有個網站介紹 sloan executive program. 可以選擇 MBA or MS in Management, 要有十年或以上相關經驗. 想問下其實 sloan executive program 是否等於 full time executive MBA?
有两个executive program 一个是sloan fellow,是一年的full time executive MBA 另外一个是EMBA,是没有学位的的,只是part time的
首先謝謝你的回覆. 想多問下 sloan executive program. 我見到佢有個網站介紹 sloan executive program. 可以選擇 MBA or MS in Management, 要有十年或以上相關經驗. 想問下其實 sloan executive program 是否等於 full time executive MBA?
How about if I would like to apply the dual degree from other department like real estate department? I would like to know if the credits earned via the Sloan Executive program could be transferred to other master degree like MS Real Estate Development.