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7.30 北美

发表于 2012-7-31 14:10:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

issue: Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.
准备不是很充分吧 来不及写……但七七八八扯了不少东西
argument: home features那题 我一共写了4个点 还是扯了很多东西所以最后时间不够都没检查……
个人觉得V+Q的分数够了 哪怕AW不太好也不想重考了。。。

数学: 挺简单的,但貌似没碰到7月的jj题,难道月底换了题库? 没拿满分(169)但和同学对了一下不确定的题目貌似都没问题,所以也不知道错哪儿了。大概也就一两道需要想一想的,仔细点就好

碰到VQVQV..总体来说感觉填空比预期的要难 有些题目单词都很简单但就是死都不知道选什么。。。
1) It is hardly ____ that, he raised to ____ostentation, is building a home of simplicity (?) 第一空可以选undeniable, remarkable, irrevocable 第二空是savor (应该没错吧)...由于一直很讨厌hardly这种否定的词,我当时就晕了。。。
2)His mother believes that his _____quite and imaginative...will allow him to grow into an..artist and philosopher. 应该是penchant for吧
3)  weather/climate exhibits patterns of mystery and variability (?), although this may appear true for regional.., on the global scale the pattern actually has some_____ 选项有reliability complexity discontinuity之类的
4) In her works, she ____ confidence. She gets excessively ____ to authorities, even when rejecting their views.
第一空有lack exude 第二空是 pugnacious differential to..犹豫了很久选了lack/differential to
5) learning is a ______ process. Because of that, in most test-based materials, reading is more ____ than watching a DVD. The more passive a person is, the more information that is going to pass through without entering brain (blahblah)
我就没搞明白两句话的关系了……第一空我选了participatory 第二空是 educative interesting fatiguing
6) 某些人在某个地方identify certain patterns. Scientists are not sure if they are ___ or part of a previously ___global pattern.
我选了anomalous and undetected
7) Most people who read xxxx correspondence is surprised that there is more stuff of professional than personal, but the distinction is _____ : every letter reveals stamps of his personality. 六选二: unique clear-cut unanimous significant artificial 我我怎么觉得都不太make sense..
8) Although the progress of chemistry is not the greatest, it ____ the dullness that most progress of science is associated with. 有belie belittle conceal contradict
9) 其他有些题选了sweeping/comprehensive, liquidity/mutability

阅读: 我是真心没觉得碰到7月的jj...努力回忆一下吧
1) Analysis of Jane Austine's work: unlike critics before 1860, critics nowadays focus on the revolutions that occurred during Jane Austine's lifetime..提到了关于male dress-up的问题 我没太懂就随便做了,
2) competition is not the single factor in changing the ecosystem,举的例子是grey squirrel introduced to habitat of red (?) squirrel 这个很简单的,仔细一点,有好几道题的答案就在前后上下文的句子里面
3)use space-based satellite/radar to study ancient lakes,这篇感觉很science啊,我个理科生读了一下都觉得有些模糊,有问两种方法有什么不一样,我选了satellite是space-based,还有个问题是before the advent of satellite,人们是无法detect ancient lake什么的
4)difficult to catch trout..讲的貌似是折射? 说鱼在水中看到船的image是比实际大的所以它们会逃掉,越深的地方看起来那个image就越大 (有问问题) 还有就是那种鱼的眼睛会随着生长变大 (问提这个是为什么 我选了 provide another explanation)
5) 唯一的长阅读是讲两个地方ecosystem不同导致ground-nestling and ground-foraging bird species不同,读起来不难,问题也很直接,就在上下文找答案就可以
6) modernist and postmodernist artists 作画风格,说modernists' works are exploited for commercial use 而变得不那么犀利了所以post-modernist为了摆脱同样的命运就改变的作画风格 to be self-destructive..第一个问题是问主旨,我就选了那个post-modernists are affected by commercial 之类的,不是很确定但其他都不太对,第二个问题是 post-modernist和modernist有什么不同 我选了和self-destructive相近的那个
7)logic 一题是两种同样的商品一个有made with hand label 另一个没有然后有label的purchase比较多,问哪个weaken argument..我一直都不喜欢logic,估计不太对。。。选了order per purchase for with label is less...还有一个是某个disease由于温度升高会恶化,然后说global warming对于某镇的mortality rate会增加, weaken argument,我选了那个镇有其他lethal disease由于高温反而比较好痊愈什么的 所以很多人不用死了。。还有一个是从某artist's musical score看是他写个large or small chorus..因为看上去是给large的但唱出来的话small比较适合 问which supports argument 我选了一般notation字大的是给large chorus但那个人的notation字小
8) 妇女社会地位的改变,说在一战和二战之间有更多的妇女出去工作了,离婚率也变高了,但人们因为1930 economic crisis又support traditional value that women should stay at home..第一问离婚率说明什么,我选了那个由于更多人出去工作,其他选项有说因为离婚率高了才有了更多人出去工作,因果关系貌似反了 第二问说人们因为什么突然改观。。。。这个貌似有点小白了。。。
9) 有个短阅读说法老墓发现的衣服上有stress,有人说是因为衣服是法老穿过的,然后另一个record说那些衣服只是陪葬的,所以解释说用来做衣服的布是旧的。。题目挺简单的 to reconcile the different findings..
10) development of agriculture 大意是有些人认为是因为increased population and lack of species 有些人不赞成
11) prehisotry的定义,讲transition from oral to written history 这个我悲剧了,但我觉得是加试所以没怎么太影响最后分数

神奇的是没碰到highlight sentence 多选的就碰到两三道而且都很直接的,没有那种模糊不清的

怎么说还是认认真真的背了一遍红宝,做了36套+绿皮的,虽然每天也没花太多时间,更多时候都在打酱油,但verbal上了160就觉得差不多了 希望接下来的申请也顺利~

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发表于 2012-7-31 16:48:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-7-31 21:27:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-1 09:39:29 | 只看该作者
今天也考了GRE,verbal有一个section和lz一样,上面的这些verbal questions我想应该都是加试题
发表于 2012-8-5 11:53:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-5 22:40:06 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-5 22:40:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-7 12:40:02 | 只看该作者
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