Section 1 I: 这是每个社会人的责任:遵守公平的法律,违背和反抗不公平的法律。 A: BunkinghanCollege 学生事务管理的D写的备忘录: 很有必要建新校舍,1、入学人口逐年增多,按照这个趋势,入学人口增加。2、新校舍会吸引入学人口。3、外面公寓的租金逐渐增加,很有必要。最后是说什么可以吸引更多学生报考。 反正我做的两个就差不多是上面两个,应该算是很高频的两个吧,总而言之,我A的第一篇就交给正式考试了T_T|\ 另外还有作文可能是: I:"Universities should require every student to take a varietyofcourses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge ofvariousacademic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."
A:Wovenbaskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern have previouslybeenfound only in the immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Paleaandtherefore were believed to have been unique to the Palean people. Recently,however, archaeologists discoveredsuch a "alean" basket in Lithos,an ancient village across the BrimRiver from Palea. The Brim River is very deepand broad(3), and so theancient Paleans could only have crossed it by boat(1),but there is no evidencethat the Paleans had boats. And boats capable ofcarrying groups of people andcargo were not developed until thousands of yearsafter the Palean peopledisappeared. Moreover, Paleans would have had no need tocross the river(5)—thewoods around Palea are full of nuts, berries, and smallgame(4). It followsthat the so-called Palean baskets were not unique toPalea(2). 不一定对,仅供参考。 V部分 然后有篇和车前灯有关的活动来降低车祸,但好像活动没开展还是啥的事故减少,问的是不是这个活动起了作用啥的,有点乱,差不多这意思吧。 有篇讲Monarchbutterfly的,有关好像说是官方新增的原题,我是没做过了,大家自己找下。 有篇讲某种动物(鲸鱼)的伤口,只有成熟雄性才有,老年和女性没有,差不多类似的文章。 有篇什么女性初期的政治活动,作者好像认为是被低估了,具体不记得了。 有篇迁徙的鸟类如何找吃的,什么fungi和腐朽的木头,做了观察实验,后来做了一根木头的实验,说olfraction很重要等等,后面就来不及了,没怎么看。 关于Jupiter可能和引力增强有关的一个题目,应该是逻辑推断类的吧~