Ithas been a while since we start our course again, so it would be very usefulfor us to review what we have learnt in lesson 2. l Theprevious question asks about the positive and negative aspects of a certainphenomenon. Recall the structure of the answer – “In my opinion, I firmlybelieve/prefer…there are a few reasons for my choice…first and foremost…what’smore/moreover…so that’s why…”l 提到的两个万能理由:After a day’s hard work, sitting withthe family; relief pressure l Try the following topic (尝试根据之前学过的内容和结果来“换汤不换药”的回答一下几个问题) n Q1:Do you think theinternet has a positive or negative influence on modern society? And why? u TIPS: almost the same if compared tooriginal answer n Q2:In your spare time, doyou prefer to watch TV programs or surfing the internet? Why?
u TIPS: Use the same answer structure.Try to state you prefer internet and think of what internet is capable of doingand the reason why you like it. Question 3
Describe the most important decisionthat you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? Use specificexamples and details to support your explanation. Answer Well,I think life is filled with/full of making all kinds of/various decisions, and somedecisions are really hard to make. As to me, the most important decision I made in mylife is to giveup a good job offer and pursue a PhD instead. 6 yearsago, I got my master’s degree andfound quite a good job in my hometown Beijing. I like the job very much not only becausethe salary is decentbut also becauseI could live with my parents and take good care of them at the same time. But whenI was informedthat I was admitted to the PhD program in Shanghai, after consideration, I finallydecided to come to shanghai to pursue the doctor’s degree. Obviously, I sacrificed a lot, but I didn'tregret at all. This is the most important decision in my life becausepursuing a doctor’s degree really broadened my horizon and, more importantly, I did what Ilove and followedmy dream. Comments 1. 这道口语答题结构还算清晰,其实依然还是讲故事,当然这个故事依然是量身定制的,好记。具体结构依然是:上来说句打圆场的话“有很多决定,但最重要的决定是”然后就开始介绍“冲突”,最后再强调为什么important就可以了。 2. 本回答用了很多短句,这些短句就是口语的特征。口语不需要说太长的句子,太长也不好断句,比如“Obviously,I sacrificed a lot, but I didn't regret at all.”这句话如果能加上表情和语气会非常有feel,你懂得。 3. 好的句子和词汇已经在文中用蓝色标出。 4. 逻辑性词汇在文中用红色标出。 5. 万能语句用绿色标出。