3. Although some censure became (i)___ during the 1980s, Dahl himself seems to support some of such earlier criticism. Although he (ii)___ that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)___ in present polyarchies.
BLANK1 BLANK2 BLANK3 A characterized D reveals G monocratic B subdued Eregrets H gerontocracic
C overruled F approves I democratic 答案选的是BFH,求解析,尤其是第三空
我的理解: 尽管他认同:some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible(某些西方的知识份子要求的民主过多)这个观点, 在他自己的书的结尾他仍然问道:what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)___ in present polyarchies.(如何能让政治生活更加民主) 就是一种明知已经过分了还要深入的感觉…… 所以我觉得第三问也应该是democratic啊……