在longman中rise做名词rise of有两种解释1the achievement of importance, success or power 2an increase in number, amount, or value 本句rise要体现的是动作,故the rising of moon 要好于the rise of moon
▶MOVEMENT UP◀ [singular]a movement upwards -opposite fall
rise in a sudden rise in sea levels She watched the steady rise and fall of his chest.
具体到本题,关键是rise的用法.查字典:rise做名词时表示数量,金额,价值,薪水等的上升,没有实际物体空间位置上升的含义.这也是OG说rise of the moon是nonidiomatic的原因.而rising 是动名词表moon上升的动作过程,可同missile attack做比较.
再看OG52, A中的the rising of cost不正确, 是因为表示cost的上升应用rise的名词形式却用了rising动名词.所以OG又说The rising of costs is unidiomatic ,而C中的the rising cost, rising做形容词修饰cost表正在进行的状态,中心词是cost满足主谓一致.