This message told us that the claim that the conditions of the majority of competent workers who have lost jobs is undermined by a recent report on the Elthyrian economy.The survey points out that far more jobs are provided and the unemployment rate in Rlthyria is the lowest level since 1999.However, not enough evidences have been provided to make readers convince that the claim made by a national newspaper is incorrect. 看看第一段,有的用过去时,有的有现在时,乱乱的。 第一句连续两个that,美国人不会这么写。 第一句一会workers, 一会is, 单复数搞不清。。。 作者真的要多连连才行。 -- by 会员 普渡哥 (2012/5/15 10:54:22)
好的。。谢谢普渡哥了。。我等会继续练 |