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楼主: zhongshanlh
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OG12 50看了所有的帖子,还是没找到满意的答案。。。希望再发一帖能终结这个问题。。。各种呼唤。。。。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-7 11:27:02 | 只看该作者
1. to不定式一般表目的,这里the economy to avoid the recession表目的不对。
2. 没有rather to do的结构来表比较。
3. 只有instead of,没有instead to。
4. 定语从句不能省略that。
-- by 会员 winy (2012/5/5 14:54:05)

1 and 2(算在一个问题里面,嘿嘿,我说下自己的看法):我知道to do一般是表目的用法,但是放在这个题目的句子中,童鞋你不觉得growing confidence in the economy to avoid the recession , what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come很容易的就会把这两个to do视为平行结构吗?或者我的 疑问是为什么不能视为平行结构。
我的想法其实同你的解释2蛮符合的,我后来是认为rather 这个词后面没有跟to do(我查了longman,rather在作fairly or to some degree含义的时候可以跟to do,但是含义上差了很多,这里不作考虑,例如——I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.),在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-7 11:30:18 | 只看该作者
1.我理解的to do在这里的错误可能是Stacey那样说的,confidence in sb to do sth根本就不是一个符合语言习惯的表达方式....
2rather to come同学看俺在10楼的回复,俺写了一大坨对于这个rather to come的个人看法,,欢迎讨论哈....
(B)What cannot replace that ;  the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear; rather to come doesnot complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.
Q1:the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear
一般to do表目的,而在这里跟在economy的后面,有经济自身为了避免衰退的意思,不合逻辑。
Q2: rather to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.

这句话的意思应该是confidence的两个方面,一个是避免衰退一个是软着陆,这两个方面应该是并列的用来修饰confidence的,而这里rather to 与前句中间用逗号隔开就显得不完整了。C选项也有这个意思

-- by 会员 jetyxo (2012/5/5 15:22:00)

发表于 2012-5-12 10:03:38 | 只看该作者
1. to do rather to do, 这个结构是错的,而rather +adj+to do是可以的。
4. 这里应该是同位语从句不能省略that。

[/quote]1 and 2(算在一个问题里面,嘿嘿,我说下自己的看法):我知道to do一般是表目的用法,但是放在这个题目的句子中,童鞋你不觉得growing confidence in the economy to avoid the recession , what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come很容易的就会把这两个to do视为平行结构吗?或者我的 疑问是为什么不能视为平行结构。
我的想法其实同你的解释2蛮符合的,我后来是认为rather 这个词后面没有跟to do(我查了longman,rather在作fairly or to some degree含义的时候可以跟to do,但是含义上差了很多,这里不作考虑,例如——I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.),在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。

-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/7 11:27:02)

发表于 2012-5-12 10:31:12 | 只看该作者
According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a "soft landing," followed by a gradual increase in business activity.
(A) that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come
(B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come
(C) in the economy's ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come
(D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come
(E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming


(B)What cannot replace that ;  the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear; rather to come doesnot complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.

Q1:the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear

看了Manhattan forum Stacey的解析,说这个confidence in economy 不符合语言习惯,应当使用that引导从句,自己也查了下longman,确实木有发现confidence in sb to do的,基本上都是confidence in sb/sth,所以说就是因为后面跟了to do这个表达方式就是不符合习惯的对咩咩???????

Our first priority is to maintain the customer's confidence in our product.
The survey reveals alack of confidencein the police.
She had complete confidence in the doctors.
Opinion polls show that voters havelost confidence inthe administration.
可以看出"confidence in sb./sth." in后面的东西是直接导致confidence的原因。

还有一个是不定式to do的用法,参考ManhattanP250:
'Infinitives may serve as nouns, adjective, or adverbs.'下面是三种用法的例句。
noun: I love to swim.
Adj.: The person to meet is here.
Adv.: Sue paused to eat lunch.

A. the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidencethat the economy will avoid the recession.
B. the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence in the economyto avoid the recession.
A想表达the gains reflect confidence
what kind of confidence?the confidence that the economy will avoid the recession

而B表达的是the gains in the stock market reflect growing
confidence in the economy
the gains in the stock market reflect confidence in order to avoid
the recession('to avoid" serves a verb modifier, a goal,目的状语)
B是表达不出A的那种意思的,因为confidence in sth. to do sth.没有这个搭配。所以rather后面的那个并列结构也是错的。而且rather是adv.,不能用作conj.并列两个部分,至少前面也要加and。

Q2: rather to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.



(C)  instead to come  does not complete the second part of thesentence idiomatically。



(D)the recession must be followed by  that

Q4:这里这个定从 的that不能省略,因为要避免并列的歧义?可是有啥歧义呢?


rather to come does

not complete thesecond part of the sentence idiomatically.



-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/4 11:07:06)

发表于 2012-5-12 10:55:39 | 只看该作者
1 and 2(算在一个问题里面,嘿嘿,我说下自己的看法):我知道to do一般是表目的用法,但是放在这个题目的句子中,童鞋你不觉得growing confidence in the economy to avoid the recession , what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come很容易的就会把这两个to do视为平行结构吗?或者我的 疑问是为什么不能视为平行结构。
我的想法其实同你的解释2蛮符合的,我后来是认为rather 这个词后面没有跟to do

我觉得rather如果在comparison里面,后面加to do没什么不妥呀~这里只是confidence in sb./sth. to do不合规定而已。

fairly or to some degree含义的时候可以跟to do,但是含义上差了很多,这里不作考虑,例如——I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.)

这里不是rather接不定式的情况。这里rather仅仅是一个adv.做修饰作用,表示程度,原句意就是I was surprised to see him with his ex-wife.、

在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。



-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/7 11:27:02)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-15 20:52:53 | 只看该作者
According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come in for a "soft landing," followed by a gradual increase in business activity.
(A) that the economy will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead come
(B) in the economy to avoid the recession, what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come
(C) in the economy's ability to avoid the recession, something earlier in the year many had feared, and instead to come
(D) in the economy to avoid the recession many were fearing earlier in the year, and rather to come
(E) that the economy will avoid the recession that was feared earlier this year by many, with it instead coming


(B)What cannot replace that ;  the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear; rather to come doesnot complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.
Q1:the economy to avoid the recession  is awkward and unclear

看了Manhattan forum Stacey的解析,说这个confidence in economy 不符合语言习惯,应当使用that引导从句,自己也查了下longman,确实木有发现confidence in sb to do的,基本上都是confidence in sb/sth,所以说就是因为后面跟了to do这个表达方式就是不符合习惯的对咩咩???????


Our first priority is to maintain the customer's confidence in our product.
The survey reveals alack of confidencein the police.
She had complete confidence in the doctors.
Opinion polls show that voters havelost confidence inthe administration.
可以看出"confidence in sb./sth." in后面的东西是直接导致confidence的原因。
嗯,confidence如果后面跟in的话就是直接 的confidence in stb/sb了,不能再跟其他复杂的语义结构了,清楚鸟

还有一个是不定式to do的用法,参考ManhattanP250:
'Infinitives may serve as nouns, adjective, or adverbs.'下面是三种用法的例句。
noun: I love to swim.
Adj.: The person to meet is here.
Adv.: Sue paused to eat lunch.

A. the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidencethat the economy will avoid the recession.
B. the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence in the economyto avoid the recession.
A想表达the gains reflect confidence
what kind of confidence?the confidence that the economy will avoid the recession

而B表达的是the gains in the stock market reflect growing
confidence in the economy
the gains in the stock market reflect confidence in order to avoid
the recession('to avoid" serves a verb modifier, a goal,目的状语)
B是表达不出A的那种意思的,因为confidence in sth. to do sth.没有这个搭配。所以rather后面的那个并列结构也是错的。而且rather是adv.,不能用作conj.并列两个部分,至少前面也要加and。

看了teddy的这段话我反而彻底理解独立8楼的MM的留言的意思。这里这个to avoid我不太同意teddy的看法,是作verb modifier,因为前面的句子中只有一个reflect这个动词,做verb modifier的话那么就是修饰reflect,那么意思就成了reflect confidence这个动作的目的是to avoid confidence, 不make sense。
8楼MM的说法应该就是这个to avoid是作的adj,修饰其紧跟的economy,而且我们知道不定式不论是做noun modifier还是adverbial modifier都是表示目的的,那么正如8楼MM所说,economy自己应该是没有神马目的的,在正确的句子中表达出的意思是economy自己有能力去避免XX,而并不是economy自己有目的去避免XX;另一方面就是teddy说的意思上confidence in XX,后面的XX是confidence的所在体,而confidence that是描述的这个confidence内容,也就是对后面的整件事有confidence。所以正如8楼MM和teddy所说,语义上差别也蛮大的,而且这个错误的to avoid的语义说不通,不make sense。
总结一下这个小点——一方面是confidence in 习惯用语的原因,另一方面是语义上的原因。
this question is done!
Q2: rather to come does not complete the second part of the sentence idiomatically.


嗯,明白;confidence的内容是1economy to avoid XX  ,2economy come inXX;这里因为B前面结构的原因,后面这个rather to也没表达出本想表达的意思。
(C)  instead to come  does not complete the second part of thesentence idiomatically。



(D)the recession must be followed by  that

Q4:这里这个定从 的that不能省略,因为要避免并列的歧义?可是有啥歧义呢?

同位语从句?如果你们理解为同位语从句的话那么后面的fear就是不及物动词咯?但是我不太同意是同位语从句噢。因为什么呢?同位语是对其所指代的名词性成分的内容进行解释说明,但是这里呢,D中的recession many were fearing earlier in the year后面这个many were fearing显然不是描述的recession的内容(比如说失业率高达多少多少、经济负增长多少多少,这些是recession的内容),而这个many were fearing不是描述的recession的内容,因此这里这个不应当是同位语从句,我认为还是一个定语从句,并且that在这个定从中作宾语,因此可以省略。。。。
rather to come does not complete thesecond part of the sentence idiomatically.

-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/4 11:07:06)

-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/12 10:31:12)

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-15 21:03:19 | 只看该作者
1 and 2(算在一个问题里面,嘿嘿,我说下自己的看法):我知道to do一般是表目的用法,但是放在这个题目的句子中,童鞋你不觉得growing confidence in the economy to avoid the recession , what many feared earlier in the year, rather to come很容易的就会把这两个to do视为平行结构吗?或者我的 疑问是为什么不能视为平行结构。
我的想法其实同你的解释2蛮符合的,我后来是认为rather 这个词后面没有跟to do
我觉得rather如果在comparison里面,后面加to do没什么不妥呀~这里只是confidence in sb./sth. to do不合规定而已。
确实没见过rather 后面跟to do的,包括平行结构,所以我现在觉得可能只要见到rather to do这个结构就可以直接kill了。。。还不100%确定,再看看
fairly or to some degree含义的时候可以跟to do,但是含义上差了很多,这里不作考虑,例如——I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.)
这里不是rather接不定式的情况。这里rather仅仅是一个adv.做修饰作用,表示程度,原句意就是I was surprised to see him with his ex-wife.、
在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。



-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/7 11:27:02)

-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/12 10:55:39)

发表于 2012-5-16 08:59:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-5-16 09:03:31 | 只看该作者
在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。



发表于 2012-5-16 10:42:54 | 只看该作者
My mistake, 第二个to可以省略的~找到了一个正确句子:

Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, where the models are encased in glass or operated only by staff members, the Virtual Leonardo Project, an online version of the museum, encourages visitors to "touch" each exhibit and thereby activate the animated functions of the piece.

语意上,touch each exhibit 和 activate the animated functions 平行。所以activate前面and后面省略了一个to。

在作“而是”这个含义的时候后面都是跟的do或者doing,例如我们很熟悉的表达prefer to do rather than do等等,所以我觉得这里虽然是to avoid与to come是平行的成分,但是根据rather这个词的特点,后面的to come应当改为come。



-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/7 11:27:02)

-- by 会员 teddybearj4 (2012/5/12 10:55:39)

-- by 会员 zhongshanlh (2012/5/15 21:03:19)

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