这题我个人觉得,关注OG前面那一段,这题就是考verb tense. 原句表达的意思,是转折,"although". 这个句子类似(不是太完美的句子,偶随口编的权且抛砖):
Although thousands of American blacks had suffered from injustice in the mid 20th century, it was not until 1963 that they formally began fighting for their liberty under the leadership of Martin Lurther King, Jr.
1. verb tense: should be simple past
2. Not until ... that
btw: 我个人觉得,OG的解释第一段比后面选项分析部分精华很多倍!
"begin doing sth" VS "begin to do sth"大家不妨回忆一下中学学的,"stop doing sth" VS "stop to do sth",比如
stop smoking
stop to smoke
读一下,体会一下smoking和to smoke在意思上是怎么体现出区别的?
(1) Today we are going to learn permutation and combination.
(2) Ready? Let's go.
(3) First, let's look at a simple problem: How many different outcomes there are to pick one cheerleader from our class?
Let's begin
studying permutation and combination.
Let's begin
to look at a simple problem.
From (1), our ultimate goal (for today's class, which is defined as topic scope) is to "study permutation and combination".
Therefore, we say we begin STUDYING permutation and combination.
From (2) and (3), we
jump start toward our goal, which is to "study permutation and combination".
We start with a simple problem -
this is what we are going to do!
Therefore, we say we
beginTO LOOK at a simple problem.
More on this concept, please check out Ron's lecture on Feb. 16, 2012
http://www.manhattangmat.com/thursdays-with-ron.cfm那么根据以上,这里肯定要用begin studying,不能用begin to study
"C选项,og 的解释是The sequence of infinitives (to begin seriously
to study) is awkward and wordy."
这里根本不能用to study。
This is just a priority,
not a hard-set rule. (You can find a bunch of exceptions, some of these discussed in my diary. )
The ultimate goal, in GMAT SC, is to express correctly and effectively. This is merely a general guideline for
stylish considerations.
The most serious problem is, as I mentioned above, you cannot use infinitive "to study" in this case. This is a
logical/meaning issue.
D选项,og的解释是:Not almost until is a nonsensical sequence of
modifiers.这是对的,我觉得这是native speakers比咱具有的优势,they can hear the awkwardness.
btw. 我自己是觉得"not until almost 1900"顺口,为什么呢我也说不出来。多读英语就有感觉了。但是again, GMAT更注重逻辑。
假如我不知道"not until"的用法,我通过逻辑上,找到了两个split,一个是simple past,另一个是began studying,那我也能选到正确答案E。
握爪握爪,我也觉得强调句很不爽。正规学术英语很少用这个句型。只是说,"It was not until X that ..."这句型在英语里很常见罢了。
(C) not until almost 1900 were scholars and critics to begin seriously to study
In 1990, Scholars and critics were to begin to study ....
(以上为了简化,把adverb都去掉, "almost 1990"就假设是1990哈)
如果我今天(April 21, 2012)说:
I am to apply to MBA.
相当于: I will apply to MBA (some time in the near future). 但问题是,谁也不知道我到底什么时候apply. 我并没有说。
仅仅是在今天(April 21, 2012)我告诉你们我对于未来的plan.
In 1990, Scholars and critics were to begin to study ....
这句子并没有说when did they begin to study!而原句的意思是(忽略almost):In 1990, they began to study ....
Not until almost 1990
did scholars and critics
begin ...
至于"begin to study"的问题,先前讨论了。
3. Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry andhad pretended to imitate Native American forms in their own works, until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study traditional Native American poetry in native languages.
(A) until almost 1900, scholars and critics did not begin seriously to study
(B) until almost 1900 scholars and critics had not begun seriously studying
(C) not until almost 1900 were scholars and critics to begin seriously to study
(D) it was not almost until 1900 when scholars and critics began to seriously study
(E) it was not until almost 1900 that scholars and critics seriously began studying
A 选项的错误理解了,until almost 1900所处的位置既可以修饰前面的动词也可以修饰后面的。
C选项,og 的解释是The sequence of infinitives (to begin seriously
to study) is awkward and wordy.
D选项,og的解释是:Not almost until is a nonsensical sequence of
现有两种解释版本:not until 不可以分来,即almost的插入有问题;not 既可以修饰前也可以修饰后。
-- by 会员 ainiAnnie (2012/4/21 17:02:02)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/4/22 10:08:02)