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练手 还有一周

发表于 2012-4-4 20:56:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The argument endorsed by the author to maximize profit is to build a restaurant, a theater, and a golf club. Inspired by the successful example of XXX town, which runs the same bussiness strategy, the  author to apply a customer loyalty, with the purpose of obtaining a long time relationship with the customers. At first glance, the reasoning appears to somewhat convincing, however, a careful scrutiny will help us to find that the author's method will not produce the desired result until he takes all the possiblities into consideration.
First of all, the author unfairly take the XXX town's example without thinking about whether his town can run the some strategy. For example, people in XXX town tend to attend a concert after supper while those in the author's town don't like music at all; another situation, the weather condition is suitable for the bussinessman to maintain a golf course, which needs a lot of watering everyday, however, lacking of water in the author's town may detard or destroy the whole golf grass. Without considering all the differences both in weather condition and cultural areas between the XXX town and his own town, the author would waste a lot of money lauching the same projecting. As far as I know, a lot of golf courses were build in China, but after several years, lacking customers, quite a few go deserted.
Secondly, the author fails to consider a crucial question, does the strategy that work well today will  still attract a lot of traffic tomorrow? Time flies and things changes. A giant company such as Lehman brother will fall someday and people's taste change everyday. Suppose people today enjoy going golf club after lunch, the other day, he or she would choose to play tennis. The author should   carefully examine what the people like to do in the long run before diving himself into the project.
Many businessman jumped into the real estate area some years ago, with the hopes of making a lot  of money, however, only a few survived after up and downs.
Last but not least, the author thought with the loyaty programme, which offers customers discount  in case he or she pay for the third service his group provided, his group will attract a lot of business. Howver, common sense tell us that his thought is just an emotional appeal. In the business world which customers have tons of choice. The price is not the only consideration for a customer to make a choice, for example, the customer will view service as a key tone. That's why today people are lining up to buy an iphone all the world. The author also neglects the fact that the bad shopping experience in one service will lead a customer stay away from the left two business the author run.
To conclude, the author's plan is not as persuasive as it stands. Accordingly, it's too opmital for the  author to start his business project without consider all the possible situation mentioned before. Is the strategy applicable to  his town? Is the example still popular in the long run? Dose people will like to pay for a third service just because of discount? Only with more convincing study of these questions will the author successful do his business.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-4 21:39:09 | 只看该作者
Should the government be authorised to keep any secret o f any information they want? People with different backgrounds will hold different views. In my opinion, these quesition should be weighed under different situation.
First of all, in order to protect the national secret, such as military equipment location, sharp-edged tech that send people to the Moon, the government should keep this kind of information away from odinary people. Only with this action can protect one country from being stolen or even worse,beaten. If the government don't consider his nation's interests, the government lost the meaning of exsitance. In the cold war, the US and the Soviet Union wanted to get know everthing about each other, with the purpose of controlling the couterpart.
Secondly, it's the goverment's duty to keep the society stable by constraining the false information spread to the common people. For example, during the terrible turnami hit Japan badly last year, the government keep some extrame or false news about what will happen to the neclear reactor, thus making the people around to get back to safe places without fears. If the government led the fear spread, we can't imagine what would happen to the refugge.
However, in my opinion, the government should make people aware of such information as government operating expense, the investigation report about a terrbile high speed train accident.
People sometimes think the government is hidding something to run its operation, this thought will utimitally influence the socitey's stability. In China, with the economic development, people are becoming more aware of his right, which including the right to know what's going on around them. For example, people are advocating for one proposal that the officials to declare their fortunes.the government are obiliged to give this kind of information.
To conlude, the question that whether the government should keep secret from public is a complex one, it need a careful consideration. For me, some extent that the government keep information is neccsary while sometimes it's wrong for the government to do so. It's depend on the nature of the information.
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