不晚,我觉得UT的人还没招满,我收到他们家的一封邮件如下,可以供你参考! If you currently reside in Canada, and you submit a complete Full-Time MBA application including GMAT, two professional references and transcript(s) by April 20th you qualify for Super Saturday. That means that if your application impresses us, we will contact you during the week of April 23rd to invite you for an interview on Saturday April 28th. The Super part about it is that you will receive an admissions decision on the same day as your interview! Just one of the many reasons to work on completing your application today.
If you want to ensure that you present the strongest possible application, then I invite you to take advantage of the Admissions Workshop on April 14th where you will receive tips, advice and feedback on your application before submitting it. Please register in advance at http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/infosessions/.