As a ruler of a nation, a person are supposedto responsible for its citizens and to give the right direction forthe whole country. 这句话有语法问题。 -- by 会员 普渡哥 (2012/3/31 23:33:24)
这样? -- by 会员 nobody1112 (2012/3/31 23:36:48)
这句话的语法问题很严重,重新温习一下as句法,the 和a的用法,单数复数,等。。 -- by 会员 普渡哥 (2012/3/31 23:40:35)
嗯...您真厉害,一下就中我的要害...从来都没搞清这些东西.. 我再试一次... As a ruler of a nation, one is supposed to be responsible for his fellows as well as give a right direction of the country. 说实话,我看了好多次语法,还是没把 A 和 the 搞清... -- by 会员 nobody1112 (2012/3/31 23:45:10)
好多了。。。我没有罗列你所有的句子,用一些好的句式要注意语法的,不然可以不加分反减分。多练习吧。 |