Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. 大家对这个issue题目的grasp如何分析? 按照汉语的意思grasp是理解的意思,那这个题就是要区别理解一个facts和对这个facts的解释和应用?感觉两个的意思差不多啊? grasp 应该不是强调死记硬背啊,我看好多人都是从比较死记硬背和灵活应用方面来写的。注:grasp的英文意思:(朗文字典解释) to completely understand a fact or an idea ,especially a complicated one. -- by 会员 pozhenzi (2012/3/22 14:05:57)
grasp是理解的意思,但这种理解不是ability,比如说我们上课老师讲的很多知识点我们可以接受理解,但我们不一定有那种 ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. |