Follow up with Tuck first...
I seriously think you will not get off the waitlist from Tuck due to the huge application pool...
got offer from Duke, waitlisted by Tuck. Should I follow up with Tuck? Tuck Pros: I love Tuck mainly because Tuck offers a dual-degree program with J.F Kennedy School of Government, where I might have networking opportunity with some top Chinese officers, who might be of help for my future company, any company. Tuck Cos: Small Chinese alumni base. Duke Pros: I love Duke because large Chinese Duke alumni base in the future. Duke is constructing a new campus in Kunshan (near Shanghai). The new campus will focus on Executive training, so I will be able to reach out more elite Chinese alumni to facilitate my career and company in the future. As I plan to run my own healthcare company in China in the future, choosing Duke could 1) offset the small Chinese alumni base that faced by all U.S MBA programs and 2) potential able to get first-hand commercialization opportunity in healthcare if I have a good network in Duke. Duke Cons: 1) Not belong to Ivy League(I don’t know if this matters). -- by 会员 tracy2015 (2012/3/21 16:37:38)