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发表于 2012-3-17 14:39:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2. 8. 商业组织应该比政府在社会问题上负更大的责任

Which should take more responsibility for the social problem? The speaker’s opinion is that commercial organization should be more responsible than the government. In my point of view, however, government may have more responsibility since the speaker may not take all factors into consideration. On balance , my view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that commercial organizations become more and more influential nowadays. Some corporations even have bigger influence than the government in their own industries. In this way, corporations are able to solve social problems such as unemployment and environment protection more effectively. Besides, the power of the government is tempered by our check-and –balance system, comparatively the corporations have less constraints. They can use all kinds of resources to deal with social problems. Nevertheless, some one would like to say that the first and the most important duty for a corporation is to make profit, it is a waste of resources and time to solve social problems. However, this opinion is not comprehensive. Beyond the obvious duty to maximize shareholders’ wealth, corporations indeed own a duty to serve society, especially the immediate community, which permits corporations to operate in exchange for an implicit promise that the corporations will do no harm and will bring some benefits to the community. These duties can often be fulfilled together. For example, a successful corporation brings jobs and related economic benefits to the community. And, by contributing to community activities and changes in other way, the corporation gains a reputation for social responsibility that often helps it become even more successful. Generally speaking, commercial organizations have the ability and the responsibility for social problems.

On the other hand, this assertion, to some extent, amounts to an overstatement because it fails to take into consideration other essential factors impeding the corporations to take the social responsibility. For example, in 1990 the director of Craft wanted to set up a fund in order to help children who drop from school because of poverty. The financial controller objected to the proposal strongly for the reason that the liquidity was not enough for operations and research at that time. Consequently, the fund did not take off.  What’s more, since social problems are so hard and difficult that no any private corporation can hold the brand of influence.

Admittedly, left to their own devices, corporations will act according to their short-term motives and self-interest. The long existence of environmental problems indicates self-interest and individual survival are every corporation’s prime drivers. As a result, government is essential and indispensable in dealing with social problem. After all, government is on behalf of all citizens and its short and long term both focus on social problems. No matter when and who takes power, government has to devote a lot of effort to solving social problems. Hence, government will be more serious to social problems than commercial organizations.

In sum, basing my conclusion on the illustrations and expositions mentioned above, accordingly, I hold that government takes more responsibility than commercial organizations for social problems.
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发表于 2012-4-16 16:32:31 | 只看该作者
government may have more responsibility since the speaker may not take all factors into consideration.
这是说因为speaker没有take all factors into consideration所以government have more responsibility吗?
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