mm你太聪明了!!我还没联想到那道题呢,你说得没错! in general, here are some indicators that you've actually mastered a problem: * can you explain it to someone else (who at least understands the underlying concepts)? * can you solve it in more than one way? * can you write a similar problem of your own? (not so similar that it's essentially the same problem with different numbers, but similar enough that it uses the same sort of concepts) -Ron 其实我跟你解释,也是在梳理自己的思路,然后证明我懂了。现在你也懂了,不妨把楼上的同学讲懂
我明白了~~我记得你以前跟我说过的一道比较:more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than were born under it这是错的,因为有三个元素born、women、under the age of 30,跳过第二个直接关联第一个和第三个就不make sense. 这里同样也是直接越过tenth不make sense~~果然相同的知识点无所不在~~ 我知道the largest and oldest是对的,今天看了半天都觉得the most的the怎么着省略了都怪异,听你一讲全明白了~~ 你真强大,怎么什么都知道。你长我6岁,6年以后我要是有你这样就往死里满足了~~
-- by 会员 半阙 (2012/3/17 19:13:18)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/3/18 3:34:51)
这就叫——赠人以 ,手有余香。。。谢谢baby姐~~ |