以下是引用angelautsuzy在2009-6-8 13:43:00的发言: 谁能解释下a ratio that compares to 42 times的用法么? 多谢多谢哈~~ 这个问题堵了很久没找到答案
据说这个用法是错误的,使用compare时,如果不是动作发出者(人),必须用被动; PREP答案选C 给的解释是这样的:this is to be parrell with CEO's now ear 419 times the pay of blue collar workers, because "as compared to" requires parallell structure and expression. "their pay" parallells with "the pay of blue worker", and "the ratio" is added to introduce "in 1980" to avoid confusion. this is to be parrell with CEO's now ear 419 times the pay of blue collar workers, because "as compared to" requires parallell structure and expression. "their pay" parallells with "the pay of blue worker", and "the ratio" is added to introduce "in 1980" to avoid confusion.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-8 14:15:22编辑过] |