你的分析都没错,你对unlike的理解很正确(名词vs名词的比较)。我觉得,不妨跳出来,从effective expression角度来审视。
(C) Unlike cooking with spices, taking spices for medicinal use is donein large quantitiesin order to treat particular maladies
我想请问,你读这句话之后,你知道如何"unlike"么?你知道"cooking with spices"是个什么情况么?
我以上用彩色highlight了两个部分,都是在描述"how it is done". 你能确定是怎么形成对比么?
In cooking, spices are used
in large quantitiesin order to be fancy and eye-catching.
In medical practice, spices are used
in large quantitiesin order to treat the disease.
假如事实是这么一种情况,原句的"unlike"也makes sense,对不对?因为一个是纯粹华而不实,另一个是有功用,所以你可以说unlike.
in cooking ---- small quantities
in medial practice ---- large quantities
只有D和E点出了in cooking是个什么情况,即表达出了如何形成contrast。
"其实我知道unlike应该像类似于:unlike mammal,bird......这样的用法是最对的~"
Unlikemammals, birds have a unique group of peripheral receptors located inthelung called intrapulmonary chemoreceptors (IPC) that are acutelysensitiveto carbon dioxide and insensitive to hypoxia. 这句话简化一下:
Unlike mammals, birds have X.
那么人们很straightforward的逻辑推理,就是: mammals do not have X.
但是原句,咱就没法通过"unlike"来推出in cooking到底是个什么样的情况....
Stacey是这么分析C选项的,我个人觉得这个属于the subtlety of english language啦,咱一起学习下。不过个人觉得,Stacey这种思路non-native speakers很难学到. 你觉得像我以上那样逻辑分析咋样?
http://www.manhattangmat.com/forums/unlike-using-spices-for-cooking-in-medicinal-usage-t1062.html?sid=0fbea886ee03c5b6fef864f323904ba8Not quite.
The comparison is cooking vs. taking: cooking spices vs. taking spices (for medicinal use). That's okay. The issue is that we can't say "taking spices is done in large quantities..."
我觉得c:Unlike cooking with spices, taking spices for medicinal use is done
我总感觉这个是名词成分的比较,前面的cooking 是名词,后面的taking spices也是名词成分我觉得~
所以我觉得cooking是名词,而with spices是修饰cooking的,我个人觉得,其实也可以算作cooking名词的一部分;而后面的taking spices 是后半觉得主语,显然,那它也就是名词成分,而for medicinal use是修饰taking spices的,小菜个人觉得也应该算是名词的一部分~
其实我知道unlike应该像类似于:unlike mammal,bird......这样的用法是最对的~
-- by 会员 bob9603 (2012/4/13 10:27:38)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/4/13 11:13:12)