我觉得你的思路对的,both那里是很明显的错误,可以直接排除.... 至于你的问题,我觉得A里面"comma+who was ..."确实wordy & non-idiomatic B的表达不对,"the"应该改成"a" 我google找的例句: Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a Nobel laureate, died of heart failure last month. 注意这里的冠词是a不是the,因为这里不是某个特定的position (e.g. the CEO of Google)。此题同理,pianist/composer都是profession,所以不能用the. 以下from Ron@Manhattan http://www.manhattangmat.com/forums/s-c-thelonious-monk-who-was-a-jazz-pianist-t7519.html this is a special idiom. if you preface someone's name with a noun describing their occupation (or other word describing what that person does), WITHOUT AN ARTICLE, you DO NOT use a comma.
if there's an article, you DO use a comma.
if it's an adjective, you DO use a comma.
example: Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk ... --> correct A jazz pianist and composer, Thelonious Monk ... --> correct Creative and original, Thelonious Monk ... --> correct -- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/2/22 16:40:43)
在过第三遍SC的时候,发现自己这里出了漏洞,蓝色部分的字看了很久才明白过来, 真的很有用~ 谢谢Baby姐姐~ 也谢谢楼楼的分享解答, 对我很有用~感谢~ -- by 会员 CCcarol (2012/4/7 20:54:01)
不客气~主要还是baby姐姐讲解的好~~你都过第三遍了啊,惭愧惭愧。。。 |