9. Like the 1890s Populists who exalted the rural myth, so urban leaders of the 1990s are trying to glorify the urban myth. (A) Like the 1890s Populists who exalted the rural myth, (B) Just as the Populists of the 1890s exalted the rural myth, (C) The Populists of the 1890s having exalted the rural myth, (D) Just like the rural myth was exalted by the Populists of the 1890s(B) (E) Populists of the 1890s were exalting the rural myth, and 这题求解答~~~A B 有什么区别? 题中有so 这个连接词 额影响解题? 望赐教~~~~~~~~~
● just as ……,so …… 是一个较常用的特殊句型,意为“正如……一样,……也……”。在这个句型 中,just as 引导的是从句,so 是副词,其后为主句。先几个例句: 1)Just as journalists must have a “nose” for a good story, so good press photographers must have an “eye” for news. 正如文字记者必须用“鼻子”去嗅好故事一样,摄影记者必须 用“眼睛”去寻好新闻。) 2)Just as dark clouds cannot long hide the sun, so no lies can cover up the fact. 正如乌 云不能长久遮蔽太阳,谎言也掩盖不了事实。 3)Just as it is important to find the right pulse for a piece of music, so you must find the right rhythm by which to live your life. 正如要为一首音乐找到正确的节拍一样,你也 要找到适合自己生活的节拍。
● 这个句型中的副词so有时可以省略。例如: 1)Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of nature, (so) Marx discovered the law of development of human history. 正如达尔文发现了自然发展的规律一样,马克思发现了人类历 史发展的规律。 2)Just as hydraulic machines make use of the properties of liquids,(so)pneumatic machines make use of of the properties of gases. 正如液压机械是利用液体的特征, 气动机械也是利用气 体的特征。
● 这个句型中的主句和从句较短时,特别在谚语中,just可以省去,此时so不能省略,即成:as ……, so ……。主句中还可用倒装结构,例如: 1)(Just )as the lion is the king of beasts, so the eagle is the king of birds. 正如狮 子是百兽之王那样, 鹰也就是百鸟之王。 2)(Just) as bitter medicne cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct. 良药可 口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。
3)Just as fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue. 正如烈火试炼真金,逆境试炼人的 美德。 4)As you sow, so will you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
1)Just as music is a universal language,so it is a mirror of the time. 正像音乐是一种全 球性的语言,它也是一面时代的镜子。 2)Just as in the field of space, so in undersea exploration new technologies continue to appear. 就像航天领域中不断涌现新技术一样,海底勘探中也不断现出新技术。