“Last year when washington county received a special appropriation for improving highway safty,it spent all those funds to straighten sections of certain county roads.Unfortunately,the number of traffic accidents in the county was actually higher than in the previous year.Although Adams County received a smaller appropriation for improving highway safety,it hired more police officers and enforced traffic laws more strictly.Last year Admas County reported 15% fewer traffic accidents than during the previous year.Since money for improving highway safety throughout the state is limited,we can achieve greater success with less expenditure by using all such funds for stricter enforcement of speed limit..” 哪位给个提纲?文中所述的两个COUNTY的情况都可以作为突破口,作为两段是否重复?其他反驳点还有吗? 我的AA写作中最常用到的是驳ASSUMPTION和因果关系,但总是感觉两者有类似之处,哪位NN指点一二。另外还有没有别的最常用的反驳点,几乎通用的那种。 多谢!!