From this point, some old buildings should give a way to the modern development. 应该是give way to the essence of preservation of a historic buildings actually equate with the meaningfulness of development of modernization 这句话essence和meaningfulness等同,不知何解? in addition to, 应该删掉to 还有很多的时候,语言显得很僵硬,变通的不好,就是感觉按照套路来的很多,模板的痕迹很重(无论是不是真的用的模板)。一些短语词组单词用的不规范,看起来很怪异,比如vanish and perish,我觉得用一个就好。 还有就是句子过长,如However, with a history of more than 700 years now they suffer from the urban renovation and economic development of China, most of them can not provide more spaces for more people to live compared to the modern tall buildings so that they slowly disappear from Beijing, at the same time, are replaced by tall buildings which can hold many people living in. From this point, some old buildings should give a way to the modern development. 从at the same time那断一下比较好。 总的来讲,LZ语言功底尚需磨练,不过上述我只是指出了不足,LZ当然还有很多好的方面,比如结构合理等,这里就不一而足了。 -- by 会员 大剑Jade (2012/2/21 23:38:47)
谢谢。vanish and perish是我看以前四级范文里用到的短语。我觉得挺好的就记下了。我没有用模版。我都没形成自己的模版。还有请教大牛:如何在短时间提高语言? |