其实有一点掌握了,就万变不离其宗,那就是逻辑。 要问这句话为什么错: In 1981 children in the United States spent an average of slightly less than two and a half hours a week doinghousehold chores; by 1997 they had spent nearly six hours a week. 我请问,什么叫做"by 1997 they had spent..." OK,就算你跟我说they指代children,不指代household chores,我能接受 那我们把they换成children in the United States: "by 1997 children in the United States had spent nearly six hours a week" 如果这时在交谈,我迫不及待会接着你的话问:"on what? you just said the children had spent this amount of time, but ON WHAT?" 你一句话只说一半,其实什么都没说,这怎么能算effectiveness? spent nearly six hours a week on study? on playing? on housework? You should explicitly define it! 那你看b选项为什么就对了?人家说"that figure",前面有且仅有一个figure,且明确定义了,所以用"that figure"意思就是如前所述定义的figure。 什么叫做定义: a ratio=41 这不叫定义,这叫赋值,41是数值,不是定义 你说"a ratio=41",谁知道是什么ratio? 男女比例?城乡收入比率?本科入学率?进出口比值? 就算你说"a ration in 1997",这也没定义清楚什么ratio 类似以下这种才算正确的: the ration of X:Y=41 (详细定义X和Y分别是什么) 等式左边叫做定义,等式右边叫做赋值 -- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/2/7 18:41:43)
明白了~~~一个句子,除了绝对的语法知识点错误,只要表达明确,不产生歧义就可以是对的。相反,ETS不喜欢一些说的不明不白的句子~~不过这个说起来简单 ,自己做的时候就不那么简单了,总是把握不到位。。。。 |