well, I guess i am the first one this morning. I only take 40 munites though. will it be too short ??? Mr. Lawrence and Prof. Michale are really very nice people. their suggestions are very insightful and to the point. I said two plans about my career goals. Prof. Michale suggested that my plan A sounds a better choice, and listed some companies that already recuited quite some CUMBA graduates . My questions are more or less similar, but I had the one asked about your creative thing. ps. cross culture experince very important. FYI My suggestion: Be yourself and be confident ! Don't speak too fast, think always before you speak. Good Luck! Let's cross our figures and pray for the news.  -- by 会员 leosnoon (2012/1/6 15:27:52)
In fact, I've also been asked the creative question...... |