(小声问stoneren一句:你说“因为,如果按整体概念补出的话irrigation of commercial fertilizer从逻辑上根本不匹配;”但是我觉得商业化肥的灌溉也可以啊,难道只有水的灌溉才可以?呵呵,也许有些钻牛角尖了,但是有一些逻辑题,我总是看着答案知道有道理,但是自己做却总是看不出来。)
128的D歧义在于可以有两种理解:application of commercial fertilizer and (application of irrigation)或application of (commercial fertilizer and irrigation),而且,这两种解读从逻辑上都可以接受,这就是OG所谓的到底是整体还是个体;E其实没有歧义,因为,如果按整体概念补出的话irrigation of commercial fertilizer从逻辑上根本不匹配;其实A and B of C的确可以有多种解读方法,关键在于是否逻辑匹配,但是个人认为,(A of C) and (B of C)是优先的结构,如果说不通,A and (B of C)也可以作为一种选择。
219. While larger banks can afford to maintain their own data-processing operations, many smaller regional and community banks are finding that the costs associated with upgrading data-processing equipment and with the development and maintenance of new products and technical staff are prohibitive.
associated with upgrading data-processing equipment and with the development and maintenance of new products and technical staff 分词和名词并列
While larger banks can afford to maintain their own data-processing operations, many smaller regional and community banks are finding that the costs associated with upgrading data-processing equipment and with the development and maintenance of new products and technical staff are prohibitive. 对这个题目的意思不太明白。到底什么是 prohibitive的啊?
the costs associated with ...and with .........为什么不是costs of sth 啊?这里没有交代清楚是什么的costs啊???