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发表于 2004-8-11 10:01:00 | 只看该作者


4.     The mind and the immune system have been shown to be intimately linked, and scientists are consistently finding that doing good deeds benefits one’s immune system. The bone marrow and spleen, which produce the white blood cells needed to fight infection, are both connected by neural pathways to the brain. Recent research has shown that the activity of these white blood cells is stimulated by beneficial chemicals produced by the brain as a result of magnanimous behavior.

The statements above, if true, support the view that

(A) good deeds must be based on unselfish motives

(B) lack of magnanimity is the cause of most serious illnesses

(C) magnanimous behavior can be regulated by the presence or absence of certain chemicals in the brain

(D) magnanimity is beneficial to one’s own interests

(E) the number of white blood cells will increase radically if behavior is consistently magnanimous

The answer is D. But I can't find the interests(or this meaning) in the context .

The main topic is about the mind and the immune system, not mention the insterests.

发表于 2004-8-11 10:10:00 | 只看该作者

doing good deeds-- benefits one’s immune system-- The mind and the immune system have been shown to be intimately linked--magnanimous behavior stimulate activity of  white blood cells-- white blood cells needed to fight infection(benefits one’s immune system).

magnanimity(doing good deeds) is beneficial to one’s own interests(mind).

发表于 2004-8-11 11:20:00 | 只看该作者



A。unselfish motives。B。serious illnesses。C。absence of certain chemicals in the brain。E。 radically , consistently 。全部是OUT OF SCOPE

发表于 2019-8-4 15:22:44 | 只看该作者
n9a5x7 发表于 2004-8-11 10:01
4.     The mind and the immune system have been shown to be intimately linked, a ...

4. 套路題

Spot the question type: Must be true.

Ok, so, Research shows that the positive correlation between the numbers of white cells and the beneficial chemicals produced by the brain due to magnanimous behavior to prove the links between mind and immune system. meanwhile, the link could be described in a way that better deeds, more benefit immune system.

A. Not necessary. Who said that ?

B. Not necessary, magnanimity behavior is a necessary condition of producing the beneficial chemicals; however, without it, it does not prove that illness would be for sured caused.

C. Shell game answer.

D. Simple, but correct. If its not beneficial, then, the more better deeds done would not benefit your immune system. If not, there is no link.

E." radically " does not even be mentioned once in the passage.

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