Choice A is awkward and poorly phrased: these has no plural noun to which it can refer, and even should be placed immediately before to take calls, the phrase it modifies. Choice B is best. In C, the plural they does not agree with the singular company, even is misplaced, and advise…that…they should is unidiomatic. D has the plural companies but retains the other flaws of C. In E, who in place of that is an inappropriate pronoun for company, these does not agree with the singular offer, and is the refusal should be be to refuse. This question is difficult. 中文的大概意思是,能够在takeover offer里生存的概率是4:1,所以许多consultants建议, 一个公司避免这样的offer的第一层防线是拒绝接受raiders的电话。 |