Thank you for the interest in Mason! Your GMAT is good. T is not that important as long as you can hit 90. In terms of GPA, I would say it is important but your GMAT can cover that part. Don't worry about it.
Mason Admissions care about if you are a good fit to Mason more than your scores. (but the scholarship is about scores.)
Show your passion and explain why you think you are a good fit to MSB, then you are fine!
The other thing is "Don't trust agents".
Let us know if you need more help!
非常感谢楼主的介绍!WM一直是我的dream school之一。我正在准备申请2013 Fall的MBA,下面是我的背景,请帮我看看申请Mason的胜算有多大?Thanks! 30岁,THU本科工科专业毕业。 毕业后曾做过欧洲某小国不知名公司在中国区的负责人2年。 然后跟人合伙创立了一个做设计的小公司4年。 由于种种原因,想再读点书,给人生多点选择,于是今年年初萌生了出去读MBA的想法。 考了GT:T100,GMAT730/4.5。 但是有个问题是本科由于自己赚钱交学费,加上有点贪玩,耽误了点功课,GPA很不理想。 百分制平均78~80分的样子,找中介算了下GPA说只有2.8~3.0的样子。 -- by 会员 wayneshao (2012/9/28 2:30:44)