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lsat 3 (2) questions

发表于 2003-6-13 22:44:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 3 (2) questions

[face=Georgia]9. A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements, It must accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations, For example, Aristotle’s cosmological theory, which claimed that everything was made out of four elements---earth, air, fire, and water---satisfied the first requirement, but it did not make any definite, Thus, Aristotle’s cosmological theory was not a good theory.

If all the statements in the passage are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT:

(A) Prediction about the results of future observations must be made by any good scientific theory.

(B) Observation of physical phenomena was not a major concern in Aristotle’s cosmological Theory

(C) Four elements can be the basis of a scientific model that is simple enough to meet the Simplicity criterion of a good theory.

(D) A scientific model that contains many elements is not a good theory

(E) Aristotle’s cosmological theory described a large class of observations in terms of only four elements.

A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements。是否是这句话的理解 it satisfies two requirements是a good theory充分必要条件。但是这个和if A ,B的A----->B的理论让我有些转不过来,可以问问。答案是B,我认为这个题目A也对。

13. Physician: The patient is suffering either from disease X or else from disease Y. but there is no available test for distinguishing X from Y. Therefore, since there is an effective treatment for Y but no treatment for X, we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.

The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following principles?

(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to treat the diseases than to determine which of the two diseases the patient has.

(B) If circumstances beyond a decision maker’s control will affect the outcome of the decision maker’s actions, the decision maker must assume that circumstances are unfavorable

(C) When the soundness of a strategy depends on the truth of a certain assumption, and the first step in putting the strategy into effect must be to test the truth of this assumption.

(D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable, and then one’s strategy must be based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable

(E) When only one strategy carries the possibility of success. Circumstances must as much as possible be changed to fit this strategy.


15. People who take what others regard as a ridiculous position should not bother to say, “I mean every word!” For either their position truly is ridiculous, in which case insisting that they are serious about it only exposes them to deeper embarrassment, or else their position has merit, in which case they should meet disbelief with rational argument rather than with assurances of their sincerity.

Which one of the following arguments is most similar in its reasoning to the argument above?

(A) A practice that has been denounced, as poor practice should not be defended on the grounds that “this I show we have always done it.” If the practice is a poor one, so much the worse that is has been extensively used; if it is not poor one, there must be a better reason for engaging in it than inertia

(B) People who are asked why they eat some of the unusual foods they eat some of the unusual foods they eat should not answer, “because that is what I like, “This sort of answer will sound either na?ve or evasive and thus will satisfy no one

(C) People whose taste in clothes is being criticized should not replay, “Every penny I spent on these clothes I earned honestly.” For the issue raise by the critics is not how the money was come by but rather whether it was spent wisely.

(D) Scholars who champion unpopular new theories should not assume that the widespread rejection of their ideas shows that they “must be no the right track.” The truth is that few theories of any consequence are either wholly right or wholly right or wholly wrong and thus there is no substitute for patient works in ascertaining which parts are right.

(E) People who set themselves goals that others denounce as overly ambitious do little to silence their critics if they say, “I can accomplish this if anyone can. “Rather, those people should either admit that their critics are right or not dignify the criticism with any reply.

发表于 2003-6-14 12:14:00 | 只看该作者
(1) satisfies two requirements → good theory  (If后的条件是充分条件)
(2) good theory → describe observations in terms of a model that contain only a few elements (标准A)  AND  definite predictions about the results of future observations (标准B)  (must后是必要条件)
(3) A’s theory claim that everything was made out of four elements →  A
(4) A and非B → 非 good theory

选项A:条件B是good theory的必要条件,也就是good theory →B;原文结论(4) “A and 非B→非good theory”的逆否命题为“good theory→非A” or “good theory→B”,正好是选项A的内容,所以A可以由原文推出,A不能入选。
选项B:Observation of physical phenomena与major concern都是与原文推理元素无关的概念

(1) patient 有X or Y, 但无法区别X与Y
(2) effective treatment for Y 但无treatment for X →治疗必须基于patient 有Y这个假设

选项A:more important to treat than determine原文没有涉及到治疗与确认的重要性比较



[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-14 12:15:42编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-14 16:28:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用lyricling在2003-6-14 12:14:00的发言:
(1) satisfies two requirements → good theory  (If后的条件是充分条件)
(2) good theory → describe observations in terms of a model that contain only a few elements (标准A)  AND  definite predictions about the results of future observations (标准B)  (must后是必要条件)
(3) A’s theory claim that everything was made out of four elements →  A
(4) A and非B → 非 good theory

选项A:条件B是good theory的必要条件,也就是good theory →B;原文结论(4) “A and 非B→非good theory”的逆否命题为“good theory→非A” or “good theory→B”,正好是选项A的内容,所以A可以由原文推出,A不能入选。
选项B:Observation of physical phenomena与major concern都是与原文推理元素无关的概念

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-14 12:15:42编辑过]

这个题目 的(2) good theory → describe observations in terms of a model that contain only a few elements (标准A)  AND  definite predictions about the results of future observations (标准B)  (must后是必要条件)
和A and非B → 非 good theory的逆反命题是矛盾的
发表于 2003-6-14 21:32:00 | 只看该作者
中间是and也就是说只要A and B中A和B有一个取非的话,A and B就是取非的,所以和逆否命题并不矛盾。
以下是引用1stzhang在2003-6-14 16:28:00的发言:

这个题目 的(2) good theory → describe observations in terms of a model that contain only a few elements (标准A)  AND  definite predictions about the results of future observations (标准B)  (must后是必要条件)
和A and非B → 非 good theory的逆反命题是矛盾的
发表于 2003-6-14 21:42:00 | 只看该作者
a circumstance beyond one's control对应原文的no treatment for X
this circumstance is in fact favorable对应原文的an effective treatment for Y(favorable)
based on the assumption that this circumstance is favorable对应原文的the assumption that the patient has a case of Y
发表于 2003-6-14 22:03:00 | 只看该作者
先给出了观点:如果你处在别人认为你很荒谬的处境时,你不要急于说:“I mean every word"
选提出观点如果你的practice被认为是poor的话你不因该说“this I show we have always done iit"
然后分两种情况 a poor one,..the worse
if it is not a poor one....there must be a better reason for ...(很好的对应原文的rather than)
发表于 2004-12-2 01:30:00 | 只看该作者

lsat 3 (2) questions

15. People who take what others regard as a ridiculous position should not bother to say, “I mean every word!” For either their position truly is ridiculous, in which case insisting that they are serious about it only exposes them to deeper embarrassment, or else their position has merit, in which case they should meet disbelief with rational argument rather than with assurances of their sincerity.

Which one of the following arguments is most similar in its reasoning to the argument above?

(A) A practice that has been denounced, as poor practice should not be defended on the grounds that “this I show we have always done it.” If the practice is a poor one, so much the worse that is has been extensively used; if it is not poor one, there must be a better reason for engaging in it than inertia

If the practice is a poor one, so much the worse that is has been extensively used; if it is not poor one, there must be a better reason for engaging in it than inertia


发表于 2019-8-10 21:47:27 | 只看该作者
1stzhang 发表于 2003-6-13 22:44
[face=Georgia]9. A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements, It must accu ...

Spot the question type: Must be true 9 ( except )

Core of the argument:

If satisfy 2 requirements ---> 1. describe a large class of observations ---> few elements + 2. make definite prediction ---> It is a good theory.

Aristotle's C failed to make definite prediction, so C is nota good theory

Not a good theory ---> No definite prediction or no describes in few elements, or both --- > Not satisfy 2 requirements.


A. Please do not be fooled by " must be ".  By any good scientific theories is actually the necessary condition here, and if so, we can interpret the answer as " If it is true that prediction about the results of future observations has to be made, the it must be true that it can only be made by good scientific theory. Apparently, it Is what we infer from the conditions within the argument.

B. it could be true, but it also could not be true.


Spot the question type: Principle

The patient is suffering ---> It must be from either X or Y

Available test ---> No distinguish x from y

Effective treatment for Y but no for x ---> We must treat patient has a case of y

let us exam the answers one by one

A. No, if being determinable, then we should determine which disease first.

B. No, he assume the circumstances are favorable ( Thats why the patients will be always treated by the treatment of Y first )

C. he does not even talk about whether the we should test the strategy or not.

D. its exactly what the question had told us.

If success ( recover from the treatment ) is possible, a circumstance ( Fail to distinguish x from y ) as beyond one's control must be favorable ( Implementing the treatment of Y ), and if there is a strategy ( Treating patient ), it must be based on the assumption that this circumstances is intact favorable.

E. No, it should be the strategy has to be subjected by the circumstances and assume it's workable.


Spot the question type: Method of reasoning

Structure of the argument:

If people take what other regard as ridiculous position, they must not bother to say I mean every word.

P1: if their position truly is ridiculous where case insisting that they are serious about it ---> exposes the them to deeper embarrassment, or if their position has merit. they should meet disbelief with rational argument rather than assurance of their sincerity.

If A ---> B ---> C --- >D
If A ---> X ---> Y --- >D   ( Either B or X )

let us dive into the questions

A.  If A, D

If A ---> B ---> C ---> D
If A ---> X ---> Y ---> D ( Either B or X )  - Contender  - Correct answer.
发表于 2019-8-10 21:48:35 | 只看该作者
1stzhang 发表于 2003-6-13 22:44
[face=Georgia]9. A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements, It must accu ...

Spot the question type: Must be true 9 ( except )

Core of the argument:

If satisfy 2 requirements ---> 1. describe a large class of observations ---> few elements + 2. make definite prediction ---> It is a good theory.

Aristotle's C failed to make definite prediction, so C is nota good theory

Not a good theory ---> No definite prediction or no describes in few elements, or both --- > Not satisfy 2 requirements.


A. Please do not be fooled by " must be ".  By any good scientific theories is actually the necessary condition here, and if so, we can interpret the answer as " If it is true that prediction about the results of future observations has to be made, the it must be true that it can only be made by good scientific theory. Apparently, it Is what we infer from the conditions within the argument.

B. it could be true, but it also could not be true.


Spot the question type: Principle

The patient is suffering ---> It must be from either X or Y

Available test ---> No distinguish x from y

Effective treatment for Y but no for x ---> We must treat patient has a case of y

let us exam the answers one by one

A. No, if being determinable, then we should determine which disease first.

B. No, he assume the circumstances are favorable ( Thats why the patients will be always treated by the treatment of Y first )

C. he does not even talk about whether the we should test the strategy or not.

D. its exactly what the question had told us.

If success ( recover from the treatment ) is possible, a circumstance ( Fail to distinguish x from y ) as beyond one's control must be favorable ( Implementing the treatment of Y ), and if there is a strategy ( Treating patient ), it must be based on the assumption that this circumstances is intact favorable.

E. No, it should be the strategy has to be subjected by the circumstances and assume it's workable.


Spot the question type: Method of reasoning

Structure of the argument:

If people take what other regard as ridiculous position, they must not bother to say I mean every word.

P1: if their position truly is ridiculous where case insisting that they are serious about it ---> exposes the them to deeper embarrassment, or if their position has merit. they should meet disbelief with rational argument rather than assurance of their sincerity.

If A ---> B ---> C --- >D
If A ---> X ---> Y --- >D   ( Either B or X )

let us dive into the questions

A.  If A, D

If A ---> B ---> C ---> D
If A ---> X ---> Y ---> D ( Either B or X )  - Contender  - Correct answer.
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