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请教 LSAT-22-3-21,LSAT-22-3-22,LSAT-22-3-23

发表于 2004-7-29 11:06:00 | 只看该作者

请教 LSAT-22-3-21,LSAT-22-3-22,LSAT-22-3-23


21.   (假设)Even the earliest known species of land animals, known from fossils dating from the late Silurian period, 400 million years ago, show highly evolved adaptations to life on land. Since neither aquatic nor amphibious animals exhibit these adaptations, early species of land animals must have evolved very rapidly after leaving an aquatic environment.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) Known fossils of early land animals include fossils of animals that lived relatively soon after the first emergence of land animals.

(B) Fossils from the late Silurian period represent only a small number of the animal species that were alive at that time.

(C) No plants were established on land before the late Silurian period.

(D) No present-day species of aquatic animal is descended from a species of animal that once lived on land.A

(E) All animals alive in the late Silurian period lived either exclusively on land or exclusively in the water.

是否想在earliest known speciesearly species进行断桥连接,不知该题该如何分析

22.   On Saturday Melvin suggested that Jerome take the following week off from work and accompany him on a trip to the mountains. Jerome refused, claiming that he could not afford the cost of the trip added to the wages he would forfeit by taking off without notice. It is clear, however, that cost cannot be the real reason (直接取非反驳)for Jerome’s unwillingness to go with Melvin to the Mountains since he makes the same excuse every time Melvin asks him to take an unscheduled vacation regardless of where Melvin proposes to go.(简单思路)

The reasoning is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms?

(A) It attempts to forestall an attack on Melvin’s behavior by focusing attention on the behavior of Jerome.

(B) It fails to establish that Melvin could no more afford to take an unscheduled vacation trip to the mountains than could Jerome.

(C) It overlooks the possibility that Jerome, unlike Melvin, prefers vacations that have been planned far in advance.

(D) It assumes that if Jerome’s professed reason is not his only reason, then it cannot be a real reason for Jerome at all.E

(E) It does not examine the possibility that Jerome’s behavior is adequately explained by the reason the gives for it.


23.   Arnold: I was recently denied a seat on an airline flight for which I had a confirmed reservation, because the airline had overbooked the flight. Since I was forced to fly on the next available flight, which did not depart until two hours later, I missed an important business meeting. Even though the flight on which I had a reservation was canceled at the last minute due to bad weather, the airline should still pay me compensation for denying me a seat on the flight.

Jamie: The airline is not morally obligated to pay you any compensation. Even if you had not been denied a seat on the earlier flight, you would have missed your business meeting anyway.

A principle that, if established, justifies Jamie’s response to Arnold is that an airline is morally obligated to compensate a passenger who has been denied a seat on a flight for which the passenger has confirmed reservations

(A) if the only reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight is that the airline overbooked the original flight

(B) only if there is a reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight other than the original flight’s being canceled due to bad weather

(C) only if the passenger would not have been forced to take a later flight had the airline not overbooked the original flight

(D) even if the only reason the passenger is forced to take a later flight were that the original flight is canceled due to bad weatherC

(E) even if the passenger would still have been forced to take a later flight had the airline not overbooked the original flight



发表于 2004-7-29 15:31:00 | 只看该作者

请教 LSAT-22-3-21,LSAT-22-3-22,LSAT-22-3-23

21.  Try deny test.  Deny the choice, and see whether the original conclusion will fall apart.  If so, then the choice is a necessary assumption.  Deny test will clearly indicate A is an assumption.

22. C introduces J's preferences, which is never discussed or hinted in the passage.  Therefore, C is a little bit out of scope.  Considering E directly attacks the main weakness of the argument, E is a better answer.

23.  It's actually asking for an assumption needed by Jamie.  J is basically saying "If aireline's overbooking is the ONLY reason for you to miss the meeting, then they are obliged to compensate.  Otherwise, they are not."  C essentially paraphrase this.

发表于 2019-6-13 21:09:02 | 只看该作者
emmahe 发表于 2004-7-29 11:06
SECTION22 321.   (假设)Even the earliest known species of land animals, known from fossi ...


這題有兩個點必須先思考, 首先, 水生動物以及兩棲動物(現在式- exhibit ) "  現在 “ 沒有展現那些演化演變的情事, 所以最早的大陸上的生物離開水生環境後必定已經劇烈的演化。

現在沒有演化不代表以前沒有演化, 要是這些水生生物以及兩棲動物在”水中” 曾經有劇烈的演化, 那原文結論就有錯誤以及不確定性的可能。

意思是說, 要是題目給了一個選項:水生以及兩棲類動物從故至今, 都毫無大陸生物演化的速度之速率, 那這個選項也可以是必要假設。

但是呢, 再做假設題型的時候, 一個題目通常往往會有無數多種假設, 而對於邏輯題最久的朋友們, 常常會因為語感所以馬上判斷可能的考點, 這樣不是不好, 而是說, 我們盡量把心打開, 才不會被自己的“考點熟悉度“給欺騙, 然後選了錯誤答案。

第二點呢, 如果題目給定的資訊條件在於已知的化石來看, 那題目就是假設化石的資訊要正確, 但是, 如果化石的資訊要正確的話, 我們必須知道一個最重要的重點 -  ( 在還沒有演化的大陸生物的化石以及剛出現的大陸生物的化石, 以及有演化跡象的大陸生物的化石, 我們才可以去推算中間的時間點 )

那必要假設以及充分假設不同的地方在於 - 充分假設是, 如果此條件為真, 題目的推理才會對, 必要假設是- 如果題目的推理必然對, 那哪個條件是否一點要成立, 而對於條件的取非, 是否又可以回去推翻原題目給予的推裡。

A選項我們直接取非, 化石不包括在第一次出現大陸上生物之後才出現的生物化石, 原文結論馬上會出現” 不成立“的可能性。

我們要找的是, 原文推理是否有可能在條件取非後, 出現漏洞, 不管這個漏洞多小, 那都還是漏洞。只要漏洞一出現, 原文推理就不一定對, 原文推理不一定對, 那就一定要有個必要假設的存在來讓此推理air tight.

E. 取非後 - 不是所有的動物都是百分之百的活在大陸上以及水上 - 這不影響我們推理的核心 - 劇烈的演變速度。

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