Claim: Governments must ensure thattheir major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive.
Reason: It is primarily in cities that anation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.
Write a responsein which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claimand the reason on which that claim is based.
The following appeared in a healthmagazine published in Corpora.
"Medical experts say that onlyone-quarter of Corpora's citizens meet the current standards for adequatephysical fitness, even though twenty years ago, one-half of all of Corpora'scitizens met the standards as then defined. But these experts are mistaken whenthey suggest that spending too much time using computers has caused a declinein fitness. Since overall fitness levels are highest in regions of Corporawhere levels of computer ownership are also highest, it is clear that usingcomputers has not made citizens less physically fit. Instead, as shown by thisyear's unusually low expenditures on fitness-related products and services, therecent decline in the economy is most likely the cause, and fitness levels willimprove when the economy does."
Write a responsein which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Besure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what theimplications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
其他具体题目就不多说了, QVQVQ的顺序,数学不是很难,但有个别题目比较纠结,看了好半天,第一个Q时间刚好够用,第二个Q提前15分钟完成,汗啊!第三个Q提前了也有将近10分钟! 数学里面考了比较多的median,average的题目,正态分布不出所料也考到了,不过还好考前看了一下,问题不大。排列组合也考了,但不多。
两个V,第一个V悲剧了,前面做太慢,结果前10题就花了20分钟,后面10题基本上是连猜带蒙,包括一片长阅读!最后面几道题目其实不难,不应该在前面的三空题浪费太多时间的!血琳琳的经验教训啊! 第二个V相当然就很简单啦,木有长阅读,三空题也简单的异常!竟然提前完成,把题目检查了一遍还剩2分钟...... 提醒大家,时间一定要分配好啊!
在网上找了新旧成绩对照,155--520,163--780 不知道准不准! 平时做OG,PPII 的时候V都是在550以上,数学都是650的样子。看来考场心态也很重要!
必须要再战了!!! |