Thank u so much, i'm going to austin for traveling this Thanksgiving, hopefully the black friday big sales will not be too crazy in austin.
哈哈,终于等到ut austin了, 想问下项目是1年的吗,非会计可以延长吗,还有可以说下面试经历吗(lz是美本么,咋面的,远程or直奔校园,有没有要注意的) Thanks! -- by 会员 gly122 (2011/11/19 1:56:24)
the program is three semesters long. Actually u can choose to graduate in one year or one year and a half if you go find a summer intern and finish in the fall. It's pretty flexible actually. I have a friend who is not accounting undergrad could extend graduate date to 2013 Spring. She was enrolled in 2011 Fall. So don't worry too much about it! there is no interview for this program. but if you could come to US by any chance, i strongly recommend you have a campus visit sorry can't type chinese in the library -- by 会员 UTMPA (2011/11/19 3:52:57)