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2011申请人,听说下星期就有人要面试了! 我当时的面试心得: 1.回答问题总分总。第一句概述,最后一句总结。要点要用第一、第二、第三。 2.对常见问题,预先准备要点。避免扯得太远。 3.肢体语言远胜语言本身。笑容、眼神、自信、互动。中欧老师喜欢互动交流。 4.用基础英语词汇。简单流畅胜于复杂磕巴。
1. 经历: a. 问了下我所学的专业 b. tell me your foreign experience, travel, study or work
2. 职业: a. 自我介绍自己的职业经历 b. How do you review local Automotive company, do you see their potential to grow? How define the marketing strategy c. Why you still working at your current company since you want to set up your own company? d. 说我的工作很好,放弃是不是可惜? e. 你做的项目是怎么样的,团队组成是什么样的? f. 你在公司里面主要做什么职责? g. 你现在的公司怎么样去争取更多的客户的? h. 举个你以前在B2B公司的project的例子 i. 待过的两家公司文化有什么不同 j. When hiring people, what's the most important for candidate? k. 如果我的团队中有一个人特别弱, 我要怎么办? l. When being challenged by your boss, how to handle it? m. how to deal with conflicts
3. Case分析: a. If your company has 500 employees, I want to buy your company, will you sold it? b. Why you still working at your current company since you want to set up your own company? c. If you were the CEO of your company, what would you do to improve? d. as sales, how do you control the profit margin e. When will you set up your company, right after graduate or any other times? f. 你很international,以后的工作让你去印度,你去不去啊? g. 因为未来方向还是在同一个industry,就问有没有关注行业动态,要我举例说几个目前业内的M&A h. what's the most important characteristics (list 3) a leader should grasp and what's your own experience of being such a leader?
4. 关于MBA a. Why MBA. b. what can you contribute to ceibs if they admitted me c. What’s your expected salary after graduate? d. You want to build up a student club, how you make it different, more creative? e. 能否习惯中欧上课要求积极参加讨论的风格 f. Any other school did you apply? Do you physically visit their campus. g. 毕业以后是回到你自己的公司还是会去大的公司? h. You want to build up a student club, how you make it different, more creative
5. 个人: a. 我的兴趣爱好是什么 b. How to balance your life and work c. 问我在朋友当中扮演什么角色,是个leader还是什么 d. 人生中碰到的最难的决定
3. Tell me about yourself (walk me through your resume).
4. What is your most significant achievement?
7. How did you handle a tough situation? ? Built up 20+ person team across ten countries in launching Cross Border Seller Incentive Program, improving service level of 20,000+ top sellers; Won VP Spot Award (Top 5%) ? Designed Wifi-Classroom solution, assisted sales managers in installing into 100+ middle schools across the country, dramatically improving efficiencies of education. 克服困难:无线网络当时是新兴技术,联合销售主管做了很多次内部外部培训,联合技术主管进行了很多次大规模测试,亲自拜访多个学校以了解需求并推广方案 ? Hatched CBT Developer Program by four years persistent efforts, 像是,与技术团队联合举办公开技术研讨会、与公关经理配合进行媒体宣传、针对大客户提供上门的技术咨询、利用一切机会向上级游说、跨国巡回演讲时顺便游说
9.   lease describe a failure and how you deal with it. ? 在DraCom成功开发了视频点播服务器并通过测试,但未能大规模商业化 ? 失败原因:公司的IPTV技术领先国内市场需求3~5年,过于乐观膨胀过快,以致于无法维持到市场成熟那一刻 ? 领悟:博观而约取,厚积而薄发,做大事要有大耐心 ? 在lenovo时成功申请了2个专利,但只开发出原型,未能大规模商业化。 ? 失败原因:专利方向(电脑配件)与部门主要业务(笔记本电脑主机)不完全吻合,缺乏恰当的上下游产业链资源,缺乏被主营业务支持的动力。 ? 领悟:行动之前,先后退一步,看清全局环境,选择最佳方向 ? 在SNDA成功的产品化商业化‘盛大易宝’,但只售出15万套后就后继无力 ? 失败原因:公司过于关注自我收益,构建了一个一家独大的封闭式系统,对行业上下游合作缺乏分享收益的诚意,最终无法提供丰富的娱乐内容。 ? 领悟:双赢是商业成功的头条原则,分工合作是产业链进化的必然
5. Tell me about a time when you solve a complex problem/situation/issue. ? Built up 20+ person team across ten countries in launching Cross Border Seller Incentive Program, improving service level of 20,000+ top sellers; Won VP Spot Award (Top 5%) ? Designed Wifi-Classroom solution, assisted sales managers in installing into 100+ middle schools across the country, dramatically improving efficiencies of education. 克服困难:无线网络当时是新兴技术,联合销售主管做了很多次内部外部培训,联合技术主管进行了很多次大规模测试,亲自拜访多个学校以了解需求并推广方案 ? Hatched CBT Developer Program by four years persistent efforts, 像是,与技术团队联合举办公开技术研讨会、与公关经理配合进行媒体宣传、针对大客户提供上门的技术咨询、利用一切机会向上级游说、跨国巡回演讲时顺便游说
6. Are you a person full with innovative ideas? How so?
7. Who is the person that you admire most, and why? |