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贴一篇坐稳寂静的 Argue~~~求指正!!!

发表于 2011-11-7 22:20:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

建议居民投资房产。因为过去5年房子的均价涨了一倍,而股票均价则是不断跌。因此,居民投资房产会比投资股票挣得多。此外,投资房产还能一边享受,一边挣钱(房价在涨),而投资股票则不会contribute to quality of live. 因此,居民都应该投资买房。
Now is the perfect time to buy a house in our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our region have nearly doubled. But average stock prices in the national stock market have actually declined over the same period. So homeowners have seen an increase in value for their housing investment during the last five years that far exceeds what they could have made by investing in the stock market. Our city’s residents can surely achieve a similar profit over the next five years. Furthermore, if residents invest in a home, they can enjoy the use of the home while its value increase, whereas money invested in stocks would not contribute to their quality of life in the same way that owning a home would. Therefore, all the residents of our city should invest their money in a home.

The author recommands that all residents should invest their money on buying house, because the average home price now is twice that of 5 years ago.Furthermore, the author also indicates that invest money in a home is better than do so in stock market for the reasons that the profit earned in stock market can't make same contribution to people's quality of life as that of housing investment do and that stock market have not done well in the past five years.These line of reasoning is not compelling in two major reasons.

Firstly, the author assumes that the development trend in the past 5 years will surely continue in the future.This assumption, however, is unsoundable for the simple reason that things rarely remain the same over extended period of time,especially in a fluctuate market.It is possible that a powerful economy depression will cause the price of house decrease sharply.And another possibility is that the goverment is planning to relief a new regulation,which is about limiting the continued increasing price of house.Possibilities such as these all might have insurmountable power to reverse the trend,resulting at low price of house, and, thus, low profit.

Secondly, the author also make a fallacious comparision between the estate market and the stock market.Given the reason that human can't use stock when own it, the author claims the priority of house investing.Nevertheless, the author commits the onesideness fallacy by only focusing on the advantages of house market without considering those of stock market.For example,while purchasing a house require numerous money so that only a small percentage people could make it possible, purchasing stock is more flexible and suit large quantity of people. In addition, because the lost is intrinsicly connected with the initial investment, the low risk seems to be a merit of stock market for its low costs.It is unreasonable for the author rules out all the disadvantages of estate market, making the recommendation unconvincing at all.

In summary, the evidences mentioned by the author is insufficient to support the conclusion that invest in a home is a smarter choice than invest in stock market.To support this conclusion, the author have had to provide more powerful evidences to convince us that the estate industry will be as profitable the next 5 years as the past.

BTW.还有一个问题是  LZ一般最多也只能写400个字的文……比较常见的情况是350左右……这个量够用么?
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发表于 2011-11-10 21:40:45 | 只看该作者
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